Cells of the Immune System Introductory article lan Todd,University of Nottingham,Nottingham,UK Artice Contents Avariety of cell types are important components of the immune system.They constitute some of the body's main defences against infection. Introduction The nctio of the ydnd the with vastly differing natures.ie.viruses.bacteria.fung .Basophils and Mast Cells snsoTh ocplhsnanddstnSeplhsntc&les,andarc fuales which tnety constiture he rough of th the bl en(mhisscusBand e rec tof the bodyhom mphoid tis The reeptors of a single lymphocyte are identical to each other and recognize a single antigen.However,milli ons c cell types cooperate with each other by means of direct ween cell surface molecules and via the whole population of ymphocytes in the human body.thus As summarized in Table 1 a number of criteria can be used to distinguish between different cell types of the relation become an enlarged.dividing lymphoblast.Some of the progeny differentiate into short-ved ectors of the attributes. ory cells which will be reactivated if there is subsequent exposure to the same antigen. B lymphocytes Lymphocytes The three major types of lymphocytes are called Bcells,T to the thymus for selection and maturation.The bone bind to exactly the same antigen (Fiqure 1).A B cell will only and lymphatic s stem.spending sor me time in the from T cells.The activated B cell unde ymph nodes divisions and some of thceslimgcelsdierentatemtg of restin distinguished:Bcells and the majority are small involved in antibody ynthesis OF LIFE 1
Cells of the Immune System Ian Todd, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK A variety of cell types are important components of the immune system. They constitute some of the body’s main defences against infection. Introduction The main function of the immune system is to defend the body against a wide variety of pathogenic infectious agents with vastly differing natures, i.e. viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and parasitic worms. The complexity of this task requires a sophisticated repertoire of mechanisms for the recognition of, and defence of the body against, these pathogens. This is achieved by an array of cells (and molecules which they secrete) which are dispersed throughout the body and collectively constitute the immune system. Most of the major cell types of the immune system are derived from progenitors (stem cells) in the bone marrow. Many of the mature cells circulate in the bloodstream and are dispersed throughout tissues of the body, while some also congregate in specialized lymphoid tissues. Furthermore, in order to generate effective immunity, the various cell types cooperate with each other by means of direct interactions between cell surface molecules and via the molecules that they secrete. As summarized in Table 1, a number of criteria can be used to distinguish between different cell types of the immune system: these include developmental relationships, phenotypic distinctions based on morphology or cell surface molecules (e.g. CD markers), and functional attributes. Lymphocytes The three major types of lymphocytes are called B cells, T cells and NK (natural killer) cells. They arise from lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow: mammalian B cells fully develop here, whereas T cell precursors migrate to the thymus for selection and maturation. The bone marrow and thymus are thus known as primary lymphoid organs. Mature B and T cells circulate in the bloodstream and lymphatic system, spending some time in the secondary lymphoid tissues, i.e. the spleen, lymph nodes and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT). Two morphological types of resting lymphocytes can be distinguished: B cells and the majority of T cells are small lymphocytes with a thin rim of cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus, whereas NK cells and some T cells are larger, have more cytoplasm and distinct cytoplasmic granules, and are known as large granular lymphocytes (LGLs). B and T lymphocytes are entirely responsible for adaptive or acquired immunity, i.e. the ability to recognize each pathogen in a specific way and to mount a faster and bigger response on repeated exposure to a particular pathogen (immunological memory). This is because B and T cells express surface receptors which specifically bind to materials that are foreign to the body (known as antigens). The receptors of a single lymphocyte are identical to each other and recognize a single antigen. However, millions of different antigen receptors are collectively expressed by the whole population of lymphocytes in the human body, thus conferring the ability to recognize a great many foreign antigens. A lymphocyte can be activated when it binds an antigen for which its receptors are specific, causing it to become an enlarged, dividing lymphoblast. Some of the progeny differentiate into short-lived effectors of the immune response while others become long-lasting memory cells which will be reactivated if there is subsequent exposure to the same antigen. B lymphocytes The B cells constitute 5–15% of human blood lymphocytes. The main function of a B cell is to secrete soluble recognition molecules called antibodies which specifically bind to an antigen recognized by that B cell. These antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) are, in fact, the secreted form of a B cell’s surface antigen receptors and bind to exactly the same antigen (Figure1). A B cell will only produce antibodies when it has been activated by binding antigen; this activation process also usually requires help from T cells. The activated B cell undergoes multiple divisions and some of the resulting cells differentiate into antibody-secreting cells. These are known as plasma cells, and they possess copious rough endoplasmic reticulum involved in antibody synthesis. During activation, B cells can undergo two types of genetic changes that modify the nature of the antibodies Article Contents Introductory article . Introduction . Lymphocytes . Natural Killer Cells . Dendritic Cells . Follicular Dendritic Cells . Monocytes and Macrophages . Neutrophils . Eosinophils . Basophils and Mast Cells . Other Cells which Contribute to the Immune System ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net 1
Cells of the Immune System Table 1 Cells of the immune system and their relationships Developmental origin Morphology Cell types Main functions NK cells Cytotoxicity CD&+T cells ⊥ Lymphoid CD4+Tcells Regulation Mononuclear y-Tcells Bcells Antibody production Dendritic cells Antigen sentation Monocytes/macrophages T Phagocytosis and killing Myeloid Neutrophils PMN*/Granulocytes Eosinophils Extracellular digestion Basophils Mast cells PMN,polymorphonuclear leucocytes. can change their antigen-binding T lymphocytes n ther rties by a pr rocess called somatic mutation.so that D)to immune sy functions(r).The main structuraiference or killing cells that are infected or malignant.Like B lymphocytes,T cells have surface between antibodies of different classes is in the nonantigen- which constant urtne by dimure b they are p f the immune which do not themselves have edon the surface of antige cells(APCs).The antigen receptors of most T cells (aB antigen-specific receptors,and are therefore considered to be compon ents of the expres ey interact rived from ch of fo These pep interaction with antibodies specific for the antig ens The histocompatibility complex(MHC)on the surface of APCs binding of an antibody with its antigen on the one hand, (Figure 1).The interaction between the T-cell antigen plors and a I ce interacti eting the effects on the APC.There are two ty nimportant aspect of antigen recognition by B cells is calldcIand cwhicr peptidesto that these lymphocytes,and the antibodies they produce. natural or native form.i.e.as they 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Nature Publishing Group/www.els.net
they produce. First, they can change their antigen-binding properties by a process called somatic mutation, so that some B cells (and their antibodies) bind more strongly to their specific antigen. Secondly, they can change their immunoglobulin class (which is initially IgM and IgD) to produce antibodies with different biological effector functions (IgG, IgA or IgE). The main structural difference between antibodies of different classes is in the nonantigenbinding portion of the molecules, called the Fc region, which is constant in structure between antibodies of the same class produced by different B cells. Various cell types of the immune system which do not themselves have antigen-specific receptors, and are therefore considered to be components of the innate immune system, express receptors which bind to the Fc region of antibodies. The Fc receptors thus enable these cells to bind antigens via interaction with antibodies specific for the antigens. The binding of an antibody with its antigen on the one hand, and with an Fc receptor on the other, are both high-affinity interactions: this is therefore a very efficient mechanism for targeting antigens to cells of the immune system. An important aspect of antigen recognition by B cells is that these lymphocytes, and the antibodies they produce, bind to antigens in their natural or native form, i.e. as they occur as constituents of pathogens (Figure 1). T lymphocytes About 70% of human blood lymphocytes are T cells. The main functions of T lymphocytes are to exert effects on other cells, either regulating the activity of cells of the immune system or killing cells that are infected or malignant. Like B lymphocytes, T cells have surface antigen receptors, but there is no secreted form of these equivalent to antibodies. Furthermore, T cells cannot recognize antigens in their native forms, but only when they are presented on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The antigen receptors of most T cells (ab T cells) are composed of two polypeptides called a and b chains, and they interact with peptides derived from the degradation (processing) of foreign antigenic proteins. These peptides are bound to molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the surface of APCs (Figure 1). The interaction between the T-cell antigen receptors and the peptide–MHC complexes binds a T cell to the surface of an APC, thus targeting the T cell to exert effects on the APC. There are two types ofMHC molecules, called class I and class II, which present antigen peptides to ab T cells expressing the surface proteins CD8 or CD4, respectively. This is because CD8 binds to MHC class I and CD4 binds to MHC class II (Figure 1). Table 1 Cells of the immune system and their relationships *PMN, polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Developmental origin Morphology Cell types Main functions NK cells Cytotoxicity CD8+ T cells Lymphoid CD4+ T cells Regulation Mononuclear γδ-T cells B cells Antibody production Dendritic cells Antigen presentation Monocytes/macrophages Phagocytosis and killing Myeloid Neutrophils PMN*/Granulocytes Eosinophils Extracellular digestion Basophils Inflammation Mast cells Cells of the Immune System 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net
Cells of the Immune System Uptake processin MHC-I. CD8- ytokines ma cel Antibodies Figure 1 Lymphocytes:antigen recognition and its consequences.APC,antigen-presenting cell:MHC,major histocompatibility complex. CD4+T lymphocytes The main function of CD4-expressing T cells is to help other cells of the immune system to mediate immune oduced by Tu2 cells (e.g.IL-4 and IL-10) responses:for this reason they are called helper T(TH)cells primarily stimulate antibody production by B cells.Some elp B cells to become cytokines also downregul e immune responses by sup- press nha at killins.or Macrand Betterthendir own as professional APCs because they normally lymphocytes (called TH3 cells)produce transforming ules when activat growth factor B.which is generally immunosuppressive. her cell act with t appropriate focusing of their activity.Indeedthe bnding CD&+T lymphocytes The main function of CD8-expressing T cells is to kill cells vers cted effects of secreted regulatory proteins known as cytokines. somed into Different T cells develop different profiles of cytokine which associate with MHC classI molccules and are ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LFE CENCES/001 Nature Publishing Group/www.esnet
CD4+ T lymphocytes The main function of CD4-expressing T cells is to help other cells of the immune system to mediate immune responses: for this reason they are called helper T (TH) cells (Figure 1). For example, TH cells help B cells to become activated and differentiate into plasma cells, or help macrophages to become more effective at killing bacteria. Macrophages and B cells, together with dendritic cells, are known as professional APCs because they normally express MHC class II molecules when activated, whereas most other cells of the body do not. This targets CD4+ TH cells to interact with these cells, thereby giving the appropriate focusing of their activity. Indeed, the binding of TH cells to professional APCs is a mutual interaction in which the APCs activate the T cells as well as vice versa. The activities of TH cells involve not only direct interactions between cell surface molecules, but also the effects of secreted regulatory proteins known as cytokines. Different T cells develop different profiles of cytokine production: TH1 cells secrete cytokines (e.g. interleukin 2 and interferon g) that mainly promote cell-mediated immunity by cytotoxic T cells and macrophages, whereas the cytokines produced by TH2 cells (e.g. IL-4 and IL-10) primarily stimulate antibody production by B cells. Some cytokines also downregulate immune responses by suppressing the activity of cells of the immune system. For example, TH1 and TH2 cells are mutually inhibitory by virtue of the cytokines they produce, and some T lymphocytes (called TH3 cells) produce transforming growth factor b, which is generally immunosuppressive. CD8+ T lymphocytes The main function of CD8-expressing T cells is to kill cells that have become infected or malignant: for this reason they are known as cytotoxic (TC) cells (Figure 1). For example, in virally infected cells, some of the newly synthesized viral proteins are processed into peptides which associate with MHC class I molecules and are Killing B Cytokines Maturation Plasma cell Antibodies TH MHC-I CD4 APC Activation Cytokines TC MHC-I CD8 Target cell Uptake and processing Infection and processing Antigen Direct binding Figure 1 Lymphocytes: antigen recognition and its consequences. APC, antigen-presenting cell; MHC, major histocompatibility complex. Cells of the Immune System ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net 3
Cells of the Immune System These cells then become Since they lack antigen receptors NK cells do no cepto iral tides.Oncethe dto the infecte molecular chan s in the surface cells,they have several mechanisms by which they can kill cell which are indicative of that cell being abnormal and their targets. granules in asm.T wh redu expr 01 gh th which enter the tar t cells th targe surface ligands for MHC the perforin pores to activate caspase enzymes involved in class I known as killer inhibitory receptors (KIRs)becaus apoptosis T cells also express a surface molecule called their bin ding to MHC class I on the surfac of a potential is the cytotoxica ivityo the NK ceptors on target cells In contrast to the limited expression of MHC class II they interact with infected or malignant cells with reduced molecules,most cells normally express atialagesiorTcelsgrihey MHC expression of MH( class I the lack of KIR engagement NK cell on oft with tar cells which lead to killing including CD2.CD16.CD69 and lectins (sugar-bindin y&T lymphocytes The anti ed antibody-dependent ytotoxicity (ADCC re abundant inepithelia ofthe gut,lungs Since they do not require activation by specificantigen in order to me their ects. thymus butothers migrate directly from the bone marrow e early ral infe to the gut and mature there.The antigen receptors of y T to limit the s read of the infection within the body until cells show much more limited diversity tha those of virus-specific Tc lymphocytes become active.Indeed,NK donot recogniz int ron al MHC cla which is produced by molecules:rather,they bind to other MHC class I-like d molecules and nonprotei molecules mmunity.All large anular lymphocytes (NK cells.y8 as may occu T cells and some CD+T cells)can be activated by the phosphor 然T THl-derived cytokine interleukin 2 L- 2)to exhibi themselves.When activated.T cells secrete evtokines ty:these are calle ymph LAK) particularly those that promote TH2 types of responses Dendritic Cells Natural Killer Cells Dendritic cells are so called because.when they are mature their cytoplasm extends into transient spiny dendrites and Ils and abou he veils. This provides a large surtac area for ther nta th Iymphocvtes.they have more cytopl sm and contai sing ten to a hundred times more antigen ntide prominent granules.In contrast to all T and B cells,NK MHCcomplexes than the other professional APCs(Bcells ive property of memory c iccelphags and y )rentiatinginto function is to kill infected cells and tumour cells using dendritic cells when stimulated by appropriate combina oughout the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/e 2001 Nature Publishing Group /www.els.net
presented on the cell surface. These cells then become targets for CD8+ TC cells with receptors specific for the viral peptides. Once the TC cells have bound to the infected cells, they have several mechanisms by which they can kill their targets. The TC cells secrete proteins stored in granules in their cytoplasm. These include perforins, which form pores through the surface membranes of the target cells, and granzymes, which enter the target cells through the perforin pores to activate caspase enzymes involved in apoptosis. TC cells also express a surface molecule called Fas ligand and a cytokine called tumour necrosis factor. These can induce apoptosis by binding to their respective receptors on target cells. In contrast to the limited expression of MHC class II molecules, most cells normally express MHC class I molecules and are thus potential targets for TC cells if they become infected or malignant. cd T lymphocytes The antigen receptors of some T cells are not made up of a and b chains, but comprise alternative polypeptides called g and d. These gd T cells constitute 10–15% of human blood T cells, but are abundant in epithelia of the gut, lungs and skin, where they appear to be important in immune responses to epithelial pathogens. Some mature in the thymus but others migrate directly from the bone marrow to the gut and mature there. The antigen receptors of gd T cells show much more limited diversity than those of ab T cells and do not recognize processed antigen peptides associated with conventional MHC class I and class II molecules: rather, they bind to other MHC class I-like molecules and nonprotein phosphorylated molecules expressed by cells undergoing stress, as may occur during infection. Indeed, some of the phosphorylated ligands recognized by gd T cells may be expressed by bacteria themselves. When activated, gd T cells secrete cytokines, particularly those that promote TH2 types of responses. Natural Killer Cells Natural killer (NK) cells constitute up to 15% of human blood lymphocytes. Together with gd T cells and about 50% of CD8+ T cells they are known as large granular lymphocytes because, compared with most T and B lymphocytes, they have more cytoplasm and contain prominent granules. In contrast to all T and B cells, NK cells do not express antigen-specific receptors and do not possess the adaptive property of memory cell development: they are therefore considered to form part of the innate immune system. However, like TC lymphocytes, their main function is to kill infected cells and tumour cells using similar mechanisms to those of TC cells to induce apoptosis of their targets. Since they lack antigen receptors, NK cells do not recognize specific antigens on the surface of a target cell. Instead, they detect molecular changes in the surface of a cell which are indicative of that cell being abnormal and therefore a potential threat to the body. In particular, they kill cells with reduced expression of MHC class I molecules, as can result from viral infection or malignant transformation. NK cells express surface ligands for MHC class I known as killer inhibitory receptors (KIRs) because their binding to MHC class I on the surface of a potential target cell inhibits the cytotoxic activity of the NK cell. This prevents NK cells from killing normal tissue cells with normal levels of MHC class I expression. However, when they interact with infected or malignant cells with reduced expression of MHC class I the lack of KIR engagement allows activation of the cytotoxic mechanisms. A variety of NK cell surface molecules can be involved in the interactions with targets cells which lead to killing, including CD2, CD16, CD69 and lectins (sugar-binding proteins). In addition, NK cells bear Fc receptors for IgG, so that killing can result from interaction with antibodies specifically bound to antigens on a target cell surface: this is called antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Since they do not require activation by specific antigen in order to mediate their effects, NK cells are effective killers of infected cells during the early stages of a viral infection (thus demonstrating their ‘natural’ cytotoxicity) and help to limit the spread of the infection within the body until virus-specific TC lymphocytes become active. Indeed, NK cells are activated by interferon a, which is produced by virally infected cells, and are themselves a source of interferon g, which helps to promote cell-mediated immunity. All large granular lymphocytes (NK cells, gd T cells and some CD8+ T cells) can be activated by the TH1-derived cytokine interleukin 2 (IL-2) to exhibit enhanced antigen nonspecific cytotoxicity; these are called lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Dendritic Cells Dendritic cells are so called because, when they are mature, their cytoplasm extends into transient spiny dendrites and sheet-like veils. This provides a large surface area for their main function of antigen presentation to T lymphocytes. Indeed, they are the most potent APCs for T cells, expressing ten to a hundred times more antigen peptide– MHC complexes than the other professional APCs (B cells and monocyte/macrophages). All dendritic cells are derived from bone marrow stem cells, but appear to be heterogeneous, with various precursors (including monocytes) differentiating into dendritic cells when stimulated by appropriate combinations of cytokines. Immature dendritic cells are found in tissues throughout the body (e.g. Langerhans cells in the Cells of the Immune System 4 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net
Cells of the lmmune System skin epidermis)and are very efficient at capturing and variety of immunological functions.These proteins can be processing antigens:they can ingest particulate antigens activated either by antigen-bound antibodies or by direct (phagocytosis),engulf material in the surrounding fluid nteraction with microbes.Certain of the activated up (o s (pa cantibody immune complexes which bind binding antigens to the surface of FDCs via the compl to Fe receptors.The internalized antigens are degraded ment receptors.Thus,the antigens presented by FDCsto B nd s cells are not pro MHCoieeradatioaintopeptidcs.nd ated b cells forr The dendritic cells which have captured and pro germinal centres in the lymphoid follicles.The continued antigen mature into potent APCs as a result of their nt ction wi mulation by cyto activated B ndent int on th ithi Tcell stim plator c.g. ature dendriti ells which th FD cells is due not only to their high levels of antigen pe tide have the highest affinity for the antigen (possibly as a result MHC.but also to their expression of numer us costimu somat mutation).The B cells which do not interact latory adhesion mo u and cytokine with the FDCs in this way die by apoptosis. sociated with Monocytes and Macrophages a H0 and Mo 5-10% ctively i of mononi Dendritic cells not only activate T cells specific for when they migrate into tissues.The main functions of anesoioreoatheebutkebnepoeGgTFih macrophages are to phagocytose(i.e.engulf)and destroy components and,by virtue of expressing MHO In the thym T cell pre which develop antigen receptors cific for self antigens the bone marrow Monoc ytes are larger than most are eliminated if they interact with thymic dendritic cells lymphocytes and have a kidney-shaped nucleus: they with possess rophilic lyso omal granule ntai n the ability of the ident in tiss ed ods or to discriminate between foreign and self components. where they take on various morphologies.and are known by different names,depending on their t nce n the liver,m angial Follicular Dendritic Cells binding particulate antigens such as bacteria:these include Within the B cell-rich follicles ary lymphoid eceptors tor certai for re are ce a ells (EDCs) gy known as the dendritic cells discussed above:they are receptors enabling them to bind antigens which have bee mesenchymal origin rather than bone marrow derived and coated (i.e.opsonized)with IgG antibodies and C3b they do not express MHCclass II.The function of FDCs is ent protein. respectively.In addition to the to present anuger cells (rather th s are also important i ofactivated Bcells They ess Fcre ntors which enable have r s for nh them to bind immune complexes of antibodies bound to ssed on the outer surface of apoptotic cells The binding of particulate mate ral to expre ptors on envelo evatd e souormmune with the pha ome so that their content can participate in the destruction of the ingested material. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001N
skin epidermis) and are very efficient at capturing and processing antigens: they can ingest particulate antigens (phagocytosis), engulf material in the surrounding fluid (macropinocytosis), and take up (by receptor-mediated endocytosis) sugar-bearing antigens which bind to surface lectins or antigen–antibody immune complexes which bind to Fc receptors. The internalized antigens are degraded into peptides and some of these associate with cytoplasmic MHC molecules followed by transportation to the cell surface for presentation. The dendritic cells which have captured and processed antigen mature into potent APCs as a result of their interaction with antigen and stimulation by cytokines and certain microbial products (e.g. lipopolysaccharide). This strong T-cell stimulatory capacity of the mature dendritic cells is due not only to their high levels of antigen peptide– MHC, but also to their expression of numerous costimulatory adhesion molecules and cytokines. The antigenladen dendritic cells migrate to secondary lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes and spleen) where they form clusters with T and B cells and stimulate antigen-specific immune responses: they present antigen peptides associated with both MHC class II and MHC class I molecules, and so can induce primary activation of both CD4+ TH cells and CD8+ TC cells, respectively. Dendritic cells not only activate T cells specific for antigens of foreign pathogens, but also help to prevent T cell reactivity against the body’s own components. If the body does not have this ‘self-tolerance’, autoimmune diseases can develop. In the thymus, T cell precursors which develop antigen receptors specific for self antigens are eliminated if they interact with thymic dendritic cells expressing these antigens, and similar interactions with mature self-reactive T cells in secondary lymphoid tissues may also help to maintain the ability of the immune system to discriminate between foreign and self components. Follicular Dendritic Cells Within the B cell-rich follicles of secondary lymphoid tissues there are cells with dendritic morphology known as follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). These are not related to the dendritic cells discussed above; they are probably of mesenchymal origin rather than bone marrow derived and they do not express MHC class II. The function of FDCs is to present antigens to B cells (rather than to T cells), thereby sustaining the viability, growth and differentiation of activated B cells. They express Fc receptors which enable them to bind immune complexes of antibodies bound to antigens. This surface binding of antigens is also facilitated by the expression of complement receptors on FDCs. Complement is the collective name for a number of proteins found in the blood and in tissue fluids which are activated in the course of immune responses and have a variety of immunological functions. These proteins can be activated either by antigen-bound antibodies or by direct interaction with microbes. Certain of the activated complement proteins (particularly C3b) bind to antigens and immune complexes and can therefore be involved in binding antigens to the surface of FDCs via the complement receptors. Thus, the antigens presented by FDCs to B cells are not processed by degradation into peptides, and are not bound to MHC molecules. Following antigen recognition, activated B cells form germinal centres in the lymphoid follicles. The continued survival and maturation of these activated B cells is dependent on their interaction with antigens held on the surface of the FDCs within the germinal centres. The B cells which successfully do this are those whose receptors have the highest affinity for the antigen (possibly as a result of somatic mutation). The B cells which do not interact with the FDCs in this way die by apoptosis. Monocytes and Macrophages Monocytes, which constitute 5–10% of mononuclear leucocytes in the blood, differentiate into macrophages when they migrate into tissues. The main functions of macrophages are to phagocytose (i.e. engulf) and destroy particulate material and, by virtue of expressing MHC class II, to present antigens to TH cells (discussed above). The blood monocytes arise from myeloid progenitors in the bone marrow. Monocytes are larger than most lymphocytes and have a kidney-shaped nucleus: they possess azurophilic lysosomal granules containing lysozyme, acid hydrolases and myeloperoxidase. Macrophages can be resident in tissues for prolonged periods of time where they take on various morphologies, and are known by different names, depending on their tissues of residence, e.g. Kupffer cells in the liver, mesangial cells in the kidney and microglial cells in the brain. Macrophages have a variety of surface receptors for binding particulate antigens such as bacteria; these include receptors for certain sugars (e.g. mannose) and for lipopolysaccharide (via interaction with LPS-binding protein). They also have Fc receptors and complement receptors enabling them to bind antigens which have been coated (i.e. opsonized) with IgG antibodies and C3b complement protein, respectively. In addition to the removal of microbes, macrophages are also important in the rapid clearance of tissue cells dying by apoptosis and, for example, have receptors for phosphatidylserine expressed on the outer surface of apoptotic cells. The binding of particulate material to a macrophage triggers phagocytosis: the material is enveloped in cytoplasm, forming an intracellular vesicle called a phagosome. Lysosomes fuse with the phagosome so that their contents can participate in the destruction of the ingested material. Cells of the Immune System ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net 5