STUDY OF DISEASE AND PHYSIOLOGY IN THE 1979 HOMING STUDY HATCHERY STOCKS--A SUPPLEMENT TO:"IMPRINTING SALMON AND STEELHEAD TROUT FOR HOMING,1979 BY SLATICK,GILBREATH,AND WALCH" by Anthony J.Novotny and Waldo s.Zaugg Research Bonneville Power Administration (Contract DE-A179-79BP10682) and NoAA National Marine Fisheries Service a时 ine studies September 1981
STUDY OF DISEASE AND PHYSIOLOGY IN THE 1979 HOMING STUDY HATCHERY STOCKS--A SUPPLEMENT TO: "IMPRINTING SALMON AND STEELHEAD TROUT FOR HOMING, 1979 BY SLATICK, GILBREATH, AND WALCH" by Anthony J. Novotny and Waldo S. Zaugg Annual Report of Research Financed by Bonneville Power Administration (Contract DE-A179-79BP10682) and NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division 2725 Montlake Boulevard East Seattle, Washington 98112 September 1981
CONTENTS Page INTR0D0CTI0N… METHODS AND MATERIALS ................................................. 3 Hatchery Sampling 3 Sampling for Physiology........................................... plasma Electrolytes ......................................... 4 Gi11Wa-K'ATPase… Disease Sampling.................................................. Life History of Hatchery Juveniles .......................... 5 Blood Sample collection...................................... 5 Viral assays................................................. Histopathology… Bacteriological Assays....... 】 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF HATCHERY STEELHEAD SURVEYS................... 9 Chelan Hatchery (Transferred to Leavenworth Hatchery)Steelhead... Gill Nat-8t arease ................................................ plasma Electrolytes.......................................... 9 Hematology.................................................. Viral screening................................17 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease...............................17 Histopathology···························· 17 Seawater Adaptation
CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ........................................................... METHODS AND MATERIALS .................................................. Hatchery Sampling ................................................. Sampling for Physiology ........................................... Plasma Electrolytes .......................................... Gill Na+ -K+ ATPase ........................................... Disease Sampling .................................................. Life History of Hatchery Juveniles ........................... Blood Sample Collection ...................................... Viral Assays ................................................. Histopathology ............................................... Bacteriological Assays ....................................... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF HATCHERY STEELHEAD SURVEYS ................... Chelan Hatchery (Transferred to Leavenworth Hatchery) Steelhead ... Gill Na+-K+ ATPase ........................................... Plasma Electrolytes .......................................... Hematology ................................................... 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 13 Viral Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Histopathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Seawater Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Wells Hatchery (Transferred to Winthrop Hatchery)Steelhead........19 Gill Na'-K'ATpase.................................................. 19 plasma electrolytes .......................................... 21 Hematology ................................................... 3 viral screening ................................................. 21 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacerial Kidney Digease.................................................................. 21 Histopathology................................................ 23 Seawater Adaptation............................................ 23 Tucannon Hatchery steelhead........................................ 23 Gi11a+-+ATPase… 23 p1 asma Electrolytes… 23 Hematol0gy… Viral screening................................................ 25 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease.................................................... Histopathology................................................... 25 Seawater Adaptation........................................... Sumary ........................................................... 29 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF HATCHERY CHINOOK SALMON SURVEYS· 34 Carson Hatchery Spring chinook Salmon.............................. 34 Gill Na'-K'ATPase… g plasma glectrolytes ............................................ Hematology........................................................... 哈 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease… 40
Wells Hatchery (Transferred to Winthrop Hatchery) Steelhead ........ 19 Gill Na+ -K+ ATPase ............................................ 19 Plasma Electrolytes ........................................... 21 Hematology .................................................... 21 Viral Screening ............................................... 21 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacerial Kidney Disease ....................................................... 21 Histopathology ................................................ 23 Seawater Adaptation ........................................... 23 Tucannon Hatchery Steelhead ........................................ 23 Gill Na+-K+ ATPase ............................................ 23 Plasma Electrolytes ........................................... 23 Hematology .................................................... 25 Viral Screening ............................................... 25 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease ....................................................... 25 Histopathology ................................................ 25 Seawater Adaptation ........................................... 28 Summary ............................................................ 29 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF HATCHERY CHINOOK SALMON SURVEYS ............... 34 Carson Hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon .............................. 34 Gill Na+ -K+ ATPase ............................................ 34 Plasma Electrolytes ........................................... 36 Hematology .................................................... 36 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease ....................................................... 40
Histopathology (See Appendix B)...............................40 Seawater Adaptation........................................... 42 Big White Salmon Hatchery Fall chinook salmon...................... 42 Gill Na'-K'ATpase............................................ Plasma Blectrolytes .......................................... 45 Hematology.................................................. Viral Screening… 45 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease....................................................... 45 Histopathology… 47 Seawater Adaptation… Summary ......................................................................... 49 ........................................................ 50 Stee1head.. % chinook salmon..................................................... 51 LITERATURE CITED 53 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B
Histopathology (See Appendix B) ............................... 40 Seawater Adaptation ........................................... 42 Big White Salmon Hatchery Fall Chinook Salmon ...................... 42 Gill Na+ -K+ ATPase ............................................ 42 Plasma Electrolytes ........................................... 45 Hematology .................................................... 45 Viral Screening ............................................... 45 Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test for Bacterial Kidney Disease ....................................................... 45 Histopathology ................................................ 47 Seawater Adaptation ........................................... 47 Summary ............................................................ 49 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................. 50 Steelhead .......................................................... 50 Chinook Salmon ..................................................... 51 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................ 53 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B
INTRODUCTION The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),under contract to the Bonneville Power Administration,is conducting research on imprinting salmon and steelhead for homing (Slatick et al.1979,1980;Novotny and Zaugg 1979).The studies were begun with little background knowledge of the effects of disease or certain physiological functions on imprinting and homing in salmonids.Consequently,work aimed at filling this void was begun by the authors in 1978 (Novotny and Zaugg 1979)and continued in 1979. In 1979,we examined random samples of normal populations of homing test fish at the hatcheries to determine the physiological readiness to migrate and adapt to seawater and general fish health.At the Manchester Marine Experimental Station,Manchester,Washington,we determined the survival of samples of the test fish maintained in marine net-pens after release from the hatcheries.Hatcheries and stocks sampled are listed in Table 1. The data collected from random samples were as follows: 1.Physiology. Gill Na+-K+ATPase.Abnormally low values could be indications that the fish were either in pre-or post-smolt condition,or had been stressed in some way. Plasma electrolytes.Lower than normal values of Na or cl could indicate immediate problems of osmoregulation when the fish were introduced to seawater;high values may indicate some dehydration due to stress. Increases in levels of K can indicate kidney failure or nitrogen supersaturation stresses
INTRODUCTION The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), under contract to the Bonneville Power Administration, is conducting research on imprinting salmon and steelhead for homing (Slatick et al. 1979, 1980; Novotny and Zaugg 1979). The studies were begun with little background knowledge of the effects of disease or certain physiological functions on imprinting and homing in salmonids. Consequently, work aimed at filling this void was begun by the authors in 1978 (Novotny and Zaugg 1979) and continued in 1979. In 1979, we examined random samples of normal populations of homing test fish at the hatcheries to determine the physiological readiness to migrate and adapt to seawater and general fish health. At the Manchester Marine Experimental Station, Manchester, Washington, we determined the survival of samples of the test fish maintained in marine net-pens after release from the hatcheries. Hatcheries and stocks sampled are listed in Table 1. The data collected from random samples were as follows: 1. Physiology. Gill Na+-K+ ATPase . Abnormally low values could be indications that the fish were either in pre- or post-smolt condition, or had been stressed in some way. Plasma electrolytes. Lower than normal values of Na or Cl could indicate immediate problems of osmoregulation when the fish were introduced to seawater; high values may indicate some dehydration due to stress. Increases in levels of K can indicate kidney failure or nitrogen supersaturation stresses