10101000. 01010100 10201000 010201000 1010100022 010102000 MO SENG 521 0102 Da U Software Reliability UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Testing 0:101010u0 10:0:000 Overview of Software Reliability 0102010002 10101000L0 Engineering 0201010002 10.101000 010101000 Department of Electrical& Computer Engineering, University of Calgary 10:101000 B.H. Far(far@enel. calgary. ca 030101000 http://www.enel.ucalgary.ca/nfar/Lectures/seng521/01/ 02010002 01010.1sENG521(a|200 far @enel. calgary. ca
SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 1 SENG 521 Software Reliability & Testing Overview of Software Reliability Engineering Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Calgary B.H. Far (far@enel.ucalgary.ca) http://www.enel.ucalgary.ca/~far/Lectures/SENG521/01/
10101000. 01010100 0201010 Contents 103m10 About this course. 0..p What is software reliability? 10:101000 10101 What factors affect software quality? 10100 What is software reliability engineering? L01010> Software reliability engineering process. 010101000 1010:000 0102010002 10101000L0 0201010002 10101000 010101000 10:101000 03010100 SZ CALGARY SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel. calgary. ca
SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 2 Contents About this course. What is software reliability? What factors affect software quality? What is software reliability engineering? Software reliability engineering process
10101000. 01010100 10201000 010201000 1010100022 010102000 01 10 CAGARY Section 1 0:101010u0 10:0:000 Basic Concepts 0102010002 10101000L0 definitions 0201010002 10.101000 010101000 10:101000 030101000 02010002 01010.1sENG521(a|200 far @enel. calgary. ca
SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 3 Section 1 Basic Concepts & Definitions
10101000. 01010100 1020 Realities 03010- Software development is a very high risk task 010210100 101010u About 20% of the le software projects are cancele 00:1010 10210100 (missed schedules, etc. 0101020 101010 about 84% of software projects are incomplete 010 10 1.00 when released 010000 d (need patch, etc) 0-0-U-- Almost all of the software projects costs exceed 101010002 0101008 initial estimations 10101000 02000(cost overrun) 10:101000 03010100 SZ CALGARY SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel. calgary. ca
SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 4 Realities … ◼ Software development is a very high risk task. ◼ About 20% of the software projects are canceled. (missed schedules, etc.) ◼ About 84% of software projects are incomplete when released (need patch, etc). ◼ Almost all of the software projects costs exceed initial estimations. (cost overrun)
10101000. 01010100 0201010 Software Engineering /1 ao- Business software has a large number of parts that have many 01010 interactions (i. e, complexity) 10:101000 1- Software engineering paradigms provide models and 10.00 techniques that make it easier to handle complexity 0101020 010- Anumber of contemporary software engineering. paradigms 01010 have been proposed 21010:00 01020100 i Object-orientation 7010100- Component-ware 0203020. Design patterns 10.10100 0:10107a Software architectures 10:000"etc 03010:100 SZ CALGARY SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel. calgary. ca
SENG521 (Fall 2002) far@enel.ucalgary.ca 5 Software Engineering /1 ◼ Business software has a large number of parts that have many interactions (i.e., complexity). ◼ Software engineering paradigms provide models and techniques that make it easier to handle complexity. ◼ A number of contemporary software engineering. paradigms have been proposed: ◼ Object-orientation ◼ Component-ware ◼ Design patterns ◼ Software architectures ◼ etc