Syllabus of Pathophysiology Serial number of course: Course Name:Pathophysiology Type:Compulsory course Targets:International student Duration:120 hours Credit:12 Teaching Dept:Dept of Pathophysiology. Writer:Li Yang,Sun Liankun,Li Hongyan Objective: Pathophysiology is a basic course of medical theory,and it studies the mechanisms of disruptive ho meostasis that progresses beyond the normal compensatory capabilities of the human body.Pathophysi ology is a science concerning the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases,and the underlying mechanism of functional and metabolic alterations in diseases.All essential aims of pathophysiological course are: eleadnipticgt2nepgt6ogypthogenesandprocesresotdeases nd appreciation of the significance of pathophysiological knowledge in personal,social,basic Contents: Chapter 1 Conspectus of Disease Objective of dise the nd to understanding the basic pathological process To understand the concept of pathoge isposing factors and precipitating factors; ounderstand disruption of homeost ocess of damage and anti-damage,the reversal role of cause and result, hum aereoacthniaiofdetandconcept To master the criteria of brain death Teaching contents
Syllabus of Pathophysiology Serial number of course: Course Name: Pathophysiology Type: Compulsory course Targets:International student Duration: 120 hours Credit: 12 Teaching Dept: Dept. of Pathophysiology Writer: Li Yang, Sun Liankun, Li Hongyan Objective: Pathophysiology is a basic course of medical theory, and it studies the mechanisms of disruptive ho meostasis that progresses beyond the normal compensatory capabilities of the human body. Pathophysi ology is a science concerning the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, and the underlying mechanism of functional and metabolic alterations in diseases. All essential aims of pathophysiological course are: To lead interesting in the study of Pathophysiology; To understanding of pathophysiological concepts, etiology, pathogenesis and processes of diseases; To promote an awareness and appreciation of the significance of pathophysiological knowledge in personal, social, basic and clinical medicine contexts; To promote an appreciation of the importance of experimental and investigatory work in the study of pathophysiology; To develop observational, manipulative, and experimental skills; To provide a suitable preparation for further studies in the pathophysiology and related disciplines. Contents: Chapter 1 Conspectus of Disease Objective To mastering the concept of disease, and to understanding the basic pathological process; To understanding the concept of etiology, Being familiar with cause of disease, predisposing factors and precipitating factors; To understand the concept of pathogenesis; To understand disruption of homeostasis, process of damage and anti-damage, the reversal role of cause and result, Correlation between systemic and local regulations; To understand the neural, humoral, cellular, and molecular mechanisms of disease and concept; To master the concept of complete recovery, incomplete recovery and brain-death; To master the criteria of brain death; Teaching contents
Concept of Disease Pathogenesis of Disease Outcome of Disease Experiment Guides for manipulation of laboratory animals Chapter 2 Disorders of Water and Electrolyte Metabolism Objective To learn the volume,distribution,composition and osm glleotboeytiuia To master the meaning of hyponatremia.includinghy (hypotonic dehydration),hypervolemi treatment. Tomaster the meaning of hypematremia,incuding hypov yiemchypenaiemia2ocuearolnowhetiolo9yandpatiogenessandp3hopnsoogcb3eofprevention deeamen eaning of isotonic dehvdration To master the con understand Tounderstand potassium metabolism To master effects of hypok nd etiology and pathogenesis of hypokalemia To master the concept f hyperk emia.To understand etiology and pathogenesis of hyperkalemia.To master effects of ounderstand disorders of magnesium metabolism o understand di orders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism Teaching contents Disorders of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism Experiment Animal model with edema and discuss the mechanism of edema Chapter 3 Acid-Base Balance and Disturbances Objective To understand the ation of tion of pH To master the oncept and changes of parame ters of m cidosis.To understand the cause,compensation To master the conce parameters of metabolic alkalosis.To understand the cause. requlation and systemic dysfunction related with metabolic alkalosis
Concept of Disease Etiology of disease Pathogenesis of Disease Outcome of Disease Experiment Guides for manipulation of laboratory animals Chapter 2 Disorders of Water and Electrolyte Metabolism Objective To learn the volume, distribution, composition and osmolality of body fluid. To understand mechanisms for regulation body fluid and electrolyte balance. To master the meaning of hyponatremia, including hypovolemic hyponatremia (hypotonic dehydration), hypervolemic hyponatremia (water intoxication), and normovolemic hyponatremia. To master the alternation of metabolism and function when it occurred. To know the etiology and pathogenesis and pathophysiological base of prevention and treatment. To master the meaning of hypernatremia, including hypovolemic hypernatremia (hypertonic dehydration), hypervolemic hypernatremia, and normovolemic hypernatremia. To master the alternation of metabolism and function when hypovolemic hypernatremia occurred. To know the etiology and pathogenesis and pathophysiologic base of prevention and treatment. To learn the meaning of isotonic dehydration. To master the concept of edema and its basic mechanism(imbalance of fluid interchange between plasma and interstitial compartment, and the renal retention of sodium and water. To understand the characteristics of edema and the concept of exudates, transudates. To understand potassium metabolism To master the concept of hypokalemia (potassium depletion). To understand etiology and pathogenesis of hypokalemia. To master effects of hypokalemia on the neuromuscular irritability and heart. To master the concept of hyperkalemia. To understand etiology and pathogenesis of hyperkalemia. To master effects of hyperkalemia on the neuromuscular irritability and heart. To understand disorders of magnesium metabolism To understand disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Teaching contents Body fluid and electrolyte balance Disorders of Water and Sodium Metabolism Disorders of Potassium Metabolism Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism Disorders of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism Experiment Animal model with edema and discuss the mechanism of edema Chapter 3 Acid-Base Balance and Disturbances Objective To understand the generation of acids and bases and regulation of pH. To understand the concept of pH, PaCO2, HCO3-, AG and their significance. To master the concept, and changes of parameters of metabolic acidosis. To understand the cause, compensation regulation and systemic dysfunction related with metabolic acidosis. To master concept, compensation regulation and changes of parameters of respiratory acidosis. To understand primary causes of respiratory acidosis occurred. To master the concept, and changes of parameters of metabolic alkalosis. To understand the cause, compensation regulation and systemic dysfunction related with metabolic alkalosis
To master concept, ompensation regulation and changes of parameters respiratory alkalosis.To understand the cause, To understand double acid-base disturbances. Teaching contents Ad-basetbochenna0lre2ChieoiA20BaseBalance -Base Disturbances Experiment Chapter 4 Hypoxia Objective To master the hy and theirs significance xia,circulatory hypoxia,histogenous hypoxia.To grasp change of ce To learn oxygen treatment and oxygen toxicity Teaching contents Parameters of Blood Oxygen Hypoxia Experiment Animal model of rabbits with hypotonic hypoxia Chapter 5 Fever Objective omaster the ncept of fever mediators,including positiv and n T8Ieatedana2geandvametaboisnand Teaching contents To understand the concept of hyperthermia and classification in pathological elevations of body temperature. Etiology and Pathogenesis of Feve
To master concept, compensation regulation and changes of parameters respiratory alkalosis. To understand the cause, compensation regulation and systemic dysfunction related with respiratory alkalosis. To master the judgment and analysis of simple acid-base disorders, including the use of the compensation formula. To understand double acid-base disturbances. Teaching contents Acid-base biochemistry and regulation of pH. Essential Parameters and Significance of Acid-Base Balance Simple Types of Acid-Base Disturbance Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances Experiment no Chapter 4 Hypoxia Objective To master the concept of hypoxia. To understand parameters of blood oxygen and theirs significance. To master the concept of hypotonic hypoxia, hemic hypoxia, circulatory hypoxia, histogenous hypoxia. To grasp alterations of blood oxygen parameters and the mechanism of tissue hypoxia. To master the cause of hypoxia. To understand functional and metabolic disturbances of respiratory system, circulatory system and hemic system. To learn the change of central nerve system and cellular alterations To learn factors involved in tolerance to hypoxia To learn oxygen treatment and oxygen toxicity Teaching contents Parameters of Blood Oxygen. Classification, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Hypoxia Functional and Metabolic Changes Resulted with Hypoxia Factors Affecting the Tolerance to Hypoxia Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Toxicity Experiment Animal model of rabbits with hypotonic hypoxia Chapter 5 Fever Objective To master the concept of fever To understand the exogenous pyrogens (emphasis on bacteria endotoxins) To master the concept of endogenous pyrogens. To understand the classification and characteristics of endogenous pyrogens. To learn the thermoregulation center, to master the function of pyrogenic signals on thermoregulation center and central mediators, including positive and negative regulation mediators To master fever stages and the metabolism and function change body. To learn advantages and disadvantages of fever. Teaching contents To understand the concept of hyperthermia and classification in pathological elevations of body temperature. Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fever
of Fever Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention and Treatment Experiment no Chapter 6 Dysfunction of cell signaling in diseases Objective To understand major pathways for cell signaling.To master the concept of ligand and receptor. TBmaerGproteinsigndlpsthway.Tounderstandtrosineprotensignalpathway.ToundestandguanytMgyclases5gnal Tolea intracellular and nuclear receptor signal pathway. diseases receptor gene mutation and secondary receptor deficit 8l伦amh8beTantGprotenndse inin disease To learn the multiple signaling aberrations in diseases.To master mechanism of cell signaling aberrations due to ligand aodreeptordioeiet n th Teaching contents Experiment no Chapter 7 Cellproliferation,differentiation.apoptosis and the related diseases Objective To understand cell cycle,its control system and its specific checkpoints,and cell proliferation control by extracellular signal tors of cell diffe 一aaencaapgeoesaonnaormaaaonehe Teaching contents Ceameeratandaees CelApOpiossnaneeases Experiment no Chapter 8 Stress and stress-related diseases
Thermoregulation of Fever Metabolism and Function Change Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention and Treatment Experiment no Chapter 6 Dysfunction of cell signaling in diseases Objective To understand major pathways for cell signaling. To master the concept of ligand and receptor. To master G protein signal pathway. To understand tyrosine protein signal pathway. To understand guanylyl cyclase signal pathway. To learn intracellular and nuclear receptor signal pathway. To learn the aberrant signal molecules in diseases. To master the aberrant receptors in diseases, including receptor gene mutation and secondary receptor deficit. To learn the aberrant G-protein in diseases. To learn the aberrant intracellular signaling in diseases, To learn the multiple signaling aberrations in diseases. To master mechanism of cell signaling aberrations due to ligand and receptor disorders. To learn the mechanism of tumor, cardiovascular diseases. To understand the relationship between stimulants and pathological effects. Teaching contents Introduction of Signal Transduction System Dysfunction of Cell Signaling in diseases Experiment no Chapter 7 Cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and the related diseases Objective To understand cell cycle, its control system and its specific checkpoints, and cell proliferation control by extracellular signal. To understand deregulation of cell proliferation and diseases. To understand control factors of cell differentiation, it includes intracellular regulators, DNA methylation and extracellular factors. To learn relationship between cell differentiation and tumor. To master the concepts of apoptosis, to understand factors related with cell apoptosis. To understand relation of abnormal cell apoptosis with tumors, autoimmune diseases and heart failure. Teaching contents Cell proliferation and diseases Cell differentiation and diseases Cell Apoptosis and diseases Experiment no Chapter 8 Stress and stress-related diseases
Objective To master the concept of stress know the clas cation of stre al adaptation s To understand ephrine neurons sympathetic adrenal med sources of AP I8eamermt9lgplnafthentckpngegafaStis2oehebastcomponensandbastcuncdionofHsrs ances,gonadal。 Teaching contents enehrepondofsres nses of Body Experiment Animal model of stress diseases and discuss the mechanism of stress diseases Chapter 9 Coagulation-anticoagulation balance and imbalance of haemostatic system Objective To master mechanism of DIC know the causes of DI antbpesO0eorstoDg To master m chanisn To learn dysfunction of multiple organs Teaching contents Etiology and Mechanism of DIC niand Metablic Changeof DI E赵periment no Chapter 10 Shock Objective To master the concept of shock and to learn the history of shock lo understand the classification of shock. hcaocieubiondscerioUnderstana1hecompeneaiaegnicanceofmicoeraulaahangesoieamcinical manifestation
Objective To master the concept of stress know the classification of stressor To understand the concept, stages and manifestations of general adaptation syndrome To understand neuroendocrine responses to stress (mainly the locus ceruleus norepinephrine neurons sympathetic / adrenal medulla axis, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal cortex axis and hormones). To learn other endocrine responses. To master the concept of acute phase protein (AP). To understand biological function of AP, to learn the components and sources of AP. To master the concept of heat shock protein (HSPs). To learn the basic components and basic function of HSPs. To learn metabolism and function changes of stress onto body. To master the concept and mechanism of stress ulcer, to learn the relation of stress with cardiovascular disturbances, endocrine disturbances, gonadal axis disturbance, psychosocial disturbance. Teaching contents Introduction General Respond of Stress Cellular and Humoral Responses Functional and Metabolic Responses of Body Stress -related Diseases Experiment Animal model of stress diseases and discuss the mechanism of stress diseases Chapter 9 Coagulation-anticoagulation balance and imbalance of haemostatic system Objective To master mechanism of DIC know the causes of DIC To understand predisposing factors to DIC To learn stages and types of DIC To master mechanism of bleeding of DIC (especially FDPs). To understand mechanism of shock and anemia To learn dysfunction of multiple organs Teaching contents Etiology and Mechanism of DIC Predisposing Factors to DIC Stages and Types of DIC Functional and Metabolic Changes of DIC Experiment no Chapter 10 Shock Objective To master the concept of shock and to learn the history of shock To understand the classification of shock. To master the change of microcirculation and tissue blood volume in ischemic anoxia stage, the mechanism of microcirculation disorders. To understand the compensative significance of microcirculation changes. To learn clinical manifestation