What natural substance was the first local anesthetic to be introduced into medicine? Cocaine was used in medicine,most of all in ophthalmology
古柯碱与构一效关系的研究 H3C-N CH. 0 Cocaine 古柯碱 m Wilhelm C.Lossen, Alfred Einhorn Procaine 1838-1906 1856-1917 1905 H2N Cocaine was first isolated from the leaves in 1860.The first synthesis and elucidation of the structure of the cocaine molecule was by Richard Willstatter in 1898. 1865年W.L0ssen(E.W6hler)将古柯碱完全水解,得到三种成分:托品环、 苯甲酸和甲醇。后经分析,这三种成分均不具有麻醉作用,因此推论,麻 醉作用与原结构中的酯键有密切关系。A.Einhorn.在总结局麻药的化学结 构时说:“所有的芳香酸酯都可能产生局麻作用”,1905年合成普鲁卡因
古柯叶:罪恶之源还是生命之花 玻利维亚地区“圣草”“绿色金子” Erythroxylon coca bush's leaves yield the highest amounts of cocaine,approximately 1% by weight.1 However,cocaine is found in all parts of the coca plant.Because the amount of cocaine present in the harvested leaves decreases over time,the leaves are typically processed into cocaine paste and/or powder as soon as possible. 每年500-800吨流向世界