Antigen Recognition Secondary article by Lymphocytes Artice Contents Gabriel Gachlin,Pasteur Institute Paris,France ·B-cell Receptor Olivier Michelin,Pasteur Institute Strasbourg,Franc .T-cell Recepto Immanuel FLuescher,Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research,Lousanne,Switzerland o T-cell rece Anna Cambiaggi,University of Oxford,Oxford,UK Introduction GmaTteepaemoeeoieoargtine ells the final stag ntiation result in cells nemory cells. nall,long-lived cell at,upon oenCBain.canpolifcraterapidyanddicerentiate polymorphic receptors,provide adaptive immunity.The the Structure of the B-cell receptor encoded by ge es formed by rearrangement of variable (V).diversity (D),junctional (J)and constant(C)gene B-cell rece unoglobulins elements.Their antigen-binding site formed by six spanning regions and s ort tails;thus an by V gene segments (CDRI and CDR2)and one.the mos polymorphic one,by recombination of V,(D)and J soluble immunoglobulins are co posed of two heav segments(CDR3).B-and T-cell rec hains and two light chains of approximately 50 and have no 5kDa,respec are hain bya identical.the antibody molccule has a twofold axis of symmetry.While there are only two types oflight chains(k ere are five main heavy ch in cl lasses(IgM,IgD press onl IgM and IeD.and memory B cells express IgG of difterent B-cell Receptor subclasses or IgE.Plasma cells do not express surface mmunoglobuli chai first of hea then of light chain of surface immu VL and CL and those of the heavy chain VH.CHL.CH2 and bulin(Ig)M.Immature Bcells then migrate into the spleen CH3.Cu2 and CH3 together form the Fc portions that ences.Enzymat nt antg ens (e.g. rton results s in Fab2 ell mito th polysaccharides).further development of B cells including esemble TCRs.The structure of a Fab fragment of an surface expression of IgD,production of soluble immu gG molecule is shown in(Figure 1).The CDRs,three from relies on ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Nature Publishing Group/ 1
Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes Gabriel Gachlin, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France Olivier Michelin, Pasteur Institute, Strasbourg, France Immanuel F Luescher, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Lausanne, Switzerland Anna Cambiaggi, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Mature B and T lymphocytes, as well as natural killer (NK) cells, express on their surfaces receptors that recognize antigen and elicit effector functions. B and T cell receptors are encoded by genes formed by rearrangement, but receptors utilized by NK cells are not. Introduction Because the polymorphism of natural killer (NK) cell receptors and gd T-cell receptors (TCRs) is limited, NK and gd T cells are important mainly in innate immunity, whereas B cells and ab T cells, which express highly polymorphic receptors, provide adaptive immunity. The receptors of T and B lymphocytes are closely related. They belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily and are composed of two disulfide-linked chains, which are encoded by genes formed by rearrangement of variable (V), diversity (D), junctional (J) and constant (C) gene elements. Their antigen-binding site is formed by six complementary determining region (CDR) loops, three formed by each chain. Two of the CDR loops are encoded by V gene segments (CDR1 and CDR2) and one, the most polymorphic one, by recombination of V, (D) and J segments (CDR3). B- and T-cell receptors per se have no signalling capability, but are associated with invariant chains that mediate signal transduction. By contrast, NK cells have two receptors, one activating and one inhibitory (i.e. inhibits NK activation if the target cell expresses adequate self major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules B-cell Receptor The first stage of B-cell development in mammalians occurs in the bone marrow and includes rearrangement first of heavy, then of light chain of surface immunoglobulin (Ig) M. Immature B cells then migrate into the spleen and lymph organs, where they encounter foreign antigen. With the exception of T cell-independent antigens (e.g. Bcell mitogens or certain high molecular weight bacterial polysaccharides), further development of B cells including surface expression of IgD, production of soluble immunoglobulins, isotype switching and affinity maturation by somatic hypermutation) requires the help of T helper (TH) cells. The final stages of B-cell differentiation result in cells that are either plasma cells, which produce large quantities of antibody and have a limited lifespan (about 1 month) or memory cells, which are small, long-lived cells that, upon antigen activation, can proliferate rapidly and differentiate into active B cells. Structure of the B-cell receptor B-cell receptors (BCRs) are monomeric immunoglobulins that, by alternative splicing, have C-terminal membranespanning regions and short cytoplasmic tails; thus membrane-bound and soluble immunoglobulins have the same variable domains, i.e. the same idiotypes. Surface and soluble immunoglobulins are composed of two heavy chains and two light chains of approximately 50 and 25 kDa, respectively. The two heavy chains are disulfide linked and each heavy chain is linked to a light chain by a disulfide bond. Since the two heavy and light chains are identical, the antibody molecule has a twofold axis of symmetry. While there are only two types of light chains (k and l), there are five main heavy chain classes (IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA and IgE). Immature B cells express only monomeric IgM, but mature naive B cells also express IgM and IgD, and memory B cells express IgG of different subclasses or IgE. Plasma cells do not express surface immunoglobulin. Heavy and light chains are composed of constant (C) and variable (V) regions; those of the light chains are called VL and CL and those of the heavy chain VH, CH1, CH2 and CH3. CH2 and CH3 together form the Fc portions that express isotype-specific differences. Enzymatic removal of the Fc portion results in Fab2 fragments, which can be further cleaved into monomeric Fab fragments, that resemble TCRs. The structure of a Fab fragment of an IgG molecule is shown in (Figure 1). The CDRs, three from the heavy and three from the light chain, form the antigenbinding site. Affinity maturation of antibodies relies on Article Contents Secondary article . Introduction . B-cell Receptor . ab T-cell Receptors . cd T-cell receptors . Natural Killer Cells ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 1
AntigeoLymphoytes signals.Similar to the CD3 components of the TCR.the cytoplasmic tails of Iga and IgB contain immunoreceptor whic upon lck.fy kinasbindstoAMsnubseun slinking by anthe BCR yndingto ue The ms isthtofth ens,i. high mo and ermin cell differentiation to antibody production,independento T-celhelp. s【0sma L ivo by che alle of ing to Besides mediating signals,BCRs also promote eficient uptake of specific antigen.The internalized antigen is n endo ment unoglobulin (Ig)G monoclonal This ver ffective antigen presentation to CD4+T cells results in the induction and activation of T cells.which in turn can somatic hypermutation.The sites of the mutations are antibody resp are T-cell ly de often distal to the combining site,and provide better complementarity. reB cell)Bcells express CD40,which interacts with CD40 igand(CD40L)on Th cells (Lederman et al. B-cell coreceptor e tumour necros The xic T cells and to TNE ement compo Binding of CD40to CD40L helps to drive the resting Bcell CDi9 and TAPA-1 ( of an antiproliferative nto the antibody)(Buhl and Cambier.1997).While CR2 and ntere al spanning proteins.TAPA. the though clonal 240CD4 fore antibody prod oreove are requi ad to induc g in B ceu Individuals with defective CD40or CD40L produce only Antigen recognition by B cells eaghotiesnduieroamoeehmnoalimmno imn2aae8ebCRhaimaieCR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Na ublishing Group/
somatic hypermutation. The sites of the mutations are often distal to the combining site, and provide better complementarity. B-cell coreceptor The B-cell coreceptor consists of three molecules, CR2, the receptor for the activated complement component C3d, CD19 and TAPA-1 (CD81, target of an antiproliferative antibody) (Buhl and Cambier, 1997). While CR2 and CD19 are normal spanning proteins, TAPA-1 spans the membrane four times. Binding of ligands to CR2 lead to phosphorylation of CD19 and phosphorylated CD19 binds src family tyrosine kinases (e.g. lyn) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases. Co-ligation of the BCR and B-cell coreceptor allows CD19-associated tyrosine kinases to phosphorylate the BCR, thus augmenting its activation. Antigen recognition by B cells Surface expression of the BCR requires association with invariant Iga and Igb heterodimers, which transduce BCR signals. Similar to the CD3 components of the TCR, the cytoplasmic tails of Iga and Igb contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs), which upon BCR engagement are tyrosine phosphorylated by src kinases blk, lck, fyn and/or lyn. Syk, a cytosolic tyrosine kinase, binds to phosphorylated ITAMs and subsequently phosphorylates and activates Ras and phospholipase Cg (PLCg) (Birkeland and Monroe, 1997). BCR signalling is induced by receptor crosslinking by antigen. Large antigens usually express multiple epitopes and thus crosslink the BCR by binding to several BCR molecules. The extreme case is that of T cell-independent antigens, i.e. high molecular weight polysaccharides with highly repetitive determinants, which cause extensive BCR crosslinking and hence strong BCR signalling. The strength of such BCR triggering is sufficient to drive Bcell differentiation to antibody production, independent of T-cell help. On the other hand, antibody responses to small organic molecules (haptens) necessitate that the hapten is conjugated on to a carrier protein or polysaccharide, as only then is BCR crosslinking possible. It is noteworthy that such hapten–glycoprotein conjugates can be formed in vivo by chemically reactive agents (e.g. certain drugs). If such antibody responses are of the IgE type, binding to basophils and mast cells, allergic reactions will occur. Besides mediating signals, BCRs also promote efficient uptake of specific antigen. The internalized antigen is degraded in endosomal or lysosomal compartments and some of the resulting peptides bind to MHC class II molecules and are presented at the B-cell surface. This very effective antigen presentation to CD4 1 T cells results in the induction and activation of T cells, which in turn can provide help to the B cells. The majority of specific antibody responses are T-cell dependent. From very early developmental stages (early preB cell) B cells express CD40, which interacts with CD40 ligand (CD40L) on Th cells (Lederman et al., 1996). CD40 is a member of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family of cytokine receptors and is analogous to Fas on cytotoxic T cells and to TNF receptor on macrophages. Binding of CD40 to CD40L helps to drive the resting B cell into the cell cycle. In vitro, B cells proliferate upon incubation with soluble CD40L and interleukin (IL)-4. IL-4 is also produced by activated Th cells and is secreted mainly at B-cell–T-cell contact sites, such that it acts primarily on the antigen-specific target B cell. IL-4 and CD40L are thought to synergize to promote clonal expansion before antibody production in vivo. Moreover CD40–CD40L interactions, together with specific cytokines, are required to induce isotype switching in B cells. Individuals with defective CD40 or CD40L produce only IgM antibodies and suffer from severe humoral immunodeficiency. Figure 1 Fab fragment of human immunoglobulin (Ig)G monoclonal antibody CTM01. The IgG light chain is shown in blue and the heavy chain in grey. The antigen-binding site is formed by six CDR3 loops, three from VL and three from VH (Brookhaven PDB code 1AD9). Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group /
Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes aB T-cell Receptors While B cells rec nize native antigen T cells MHC molecuk)CD cells antigen in the contricts the in class II molecules,while CD8 restricts the interaction to class I molecules. class II molecules present exogenous antigens and cla MHC sent endo .The interaction of MHC-bound superantigens with VB of TCRs results in VyoaTcellactivao f Structure of T-cell receptors and T-cell receptor-ligand complexes XnacteepctndiecrCCRiandTGgReg 996.1998 showed that TCRs have an immunoglobulin-like struc ture.with some unique features:(i)the hinge region of the B chain is veryriid:()TCR Bchains have a solvent cks a B2 there isastrand switch in V which resultsina flatteningo onrieac the e complexes in a orientation implies conserved atomic interactions between TCR V regions(mainly Va)and residues of the MHCclass s(mainly 2) 9 dimensional view of the Ab T-cell receptor (TCR)-HLA D chains,one 8 chain,one y chain and twochains,which e.Produced from the form three disulfide-linked dimers an E-Y and an E- MHC class I/ll-peptide complexes (Daviser strong an e cyto These tecl ents in TCR participati (e.g.CD8 which contain ITA Ms (i.e.sequences expressing repeats of and CD3).TCR-ligand interactions have also been TCR triggering are tyro analysed on purified recombinant molecules using surface orylate n kin snd CD d cytoplas c po protein of 70kDa(ZAP-70)and Syk. molecules (Fremont et al.1996). TCRs typically exhibit low affinity with equilibrium Affinities and kinetics of T-cell receptor ligand interactions counted for Physical properties of TCR-ligand interactions have been oineuc conants the range of on intac ether by TC ding assay with those observed for ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Nature Publishing Group / 3
ab T-cell Receptors While B cells recognize native antigen, T cells recognize processed antigen (i.e. antigen-derived peptides bound to MHC molecules). CD4 1 T cells recognize antigen in the context of MHC class II molecules and CD8 1 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in the context of MHC class I molecules. The CD4 molecule restricts the interaction to class II molecules, while CD8 restricts the interaction to class I molecules. MHC class II molecules present exogenous antigens and class I molecules present endogenous antigens. Moreover, MHC class II, but not class I, molecules can bind superantigens. The interaction of MHC-bound superantigens with Vb of TCRs results in polyclonal T-cell activation of T cells expressing particular Vb. Structure of T-cell receptors and T-cell receptor–ligand complexes X-ray crystallographic studies of TCRs and TCR–ligand complexes (Garboczi et al., 1996; Garcia et al., 1996, 1998) showed that TCRs have an immunoglobulin-like structure, with some unique features: (i) the hinge region of the b chain is very rigid; (ii) TCR b chains have a solventexposed loop of 13 residues in Cb; (iii) TCR Ca lacks a bpleated sheet and thus has a poorly ordered structure; (iv) there is a strand switch in Va, which results in a flattening of the outer surface of Va. TCRs bind MHC class I–peptide complexes in a ‘diagonal’ orientation, in which the peptide runs diagonally between the two CDR3 loops, extending from CDR1a to CDR1b (Figure 2). This canonical orientation implies conserved atomic interactions between TCR V regions (mainly Va) and residues of the MHC class I helices (mainly a2). TCRs are expressed on the surface only as associated with CD3 and z chains. The CD3 complex consists of two e chains, one d chain, one g chain and two z chains, which form three disulfide-linked dimers, an e–g and an e–d heterodimer and a z-chain homodimer. This association is strong and TCR–CD3 complexes can be isolated from cell membranes. CD3 and z chains have cytoplasmic tails, which contain ITAMs (i.e. sequences expressing repeats of Y-x-x-L/I, which upon TCR triggering are tyrosine phosphorylated, mainly by the src tyrosine kinase p56lck, which in part is associated with CD8 and CD4. Phosphorylated ITAMs bind the tyrosine kinases, z-associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP-70) and Syk. Affinities and kinetics of T-cell receptor– ligand interactions Physical properties of TCR–ligand interactions have been studied on intact cells, either by TCR photoaffinity labelling or by a direct binding assay with radiolabelled soluble MHC class I/II–peptide complexes (Davis et al., 1998). These techniques detect the participation of other cellular components in TCR–ligand interactions (e.g. CD8 and CD3). TCR–ligand interactions have also been analysed on purified recombinant molecules using surface plasmon resonance. These studies require purified recombinant TCR and MHC molecules that are rendered soluble by deletion of the spanning and cytoplasmic portions of the molecules (Fremont et al., 1996). TCRs typically exhibit low affinity with equilibrium dissociation constants in the range of 10 2 4 to 10 2 7 mol L 2 1 (Davis et al., 1998). This is accounted for by very rapid dissociation of TCR–ligand complexes, with dissociation kinetic constants in the range of 0.02–5 s 2 1 . The association rate constants are comparable with those observed for low-affinity antibodies. The rapid Figure 2 Three-dimensional view of the Ab T-cell receptor (TCR)–HLAA2–Tax peptide complex (Garboczi et al., 1996). The TCR b-chain is shown in grey, Va/Ja in dark blue, the peptide in green, the HLA-A2 heavy chain in yellow and b2-microglobulin (b2m) in light blue. Produced from the Brookhaven PDB file using the MOLMOL program. Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 3
Antigymphye dissociation of TCR-ligand complexes permits dynamic y&T-cell receptors scanning of MHC-peptide complexes by TCRs on presenting cells. TCRsare many may the Bchai T-cell activation and effector functions n composition and structure.T cells constitute only I- The principal function of CD4+ effector T cells is to 3%of CD3+T cells.However,in epithelial tissue, pro anes an ited di TNFa.CD40 ligand or Fas ligand.Upon activation naive CD4+T cells proliferate and differentiate first into espond to the same antigens.Although the pre function of these cells is enigmatic,it s ems that their contrib NGM-CSF infe H Fo daptivei ce h activating cvtokin but also various amounts of unrelated patho ens,rather than distinct epitopes char- acteristic for individual organisms or species(Welshetal -10and TGFB.CD 1997). 3.GM-CS cing apoptos Activated CD8+CTLs kill target cells primarily by Structure of y&T-cell receptors CTL TCRs are formed d by rearrangement of V binds to Fas on target 1006 the cells and induces an Activated CTLs also release cytokines such as TNF encoding the 6 chain is located between the ones of Va N)and varous interleukins. and Ja segments,so that rearrangements at the and loci usive.A rea receptor ce apoptos rangedδchain com few hours)and can be elicited by a few MHC-peptide fewer V complexes on target cells.By contrast,cytokine production and V8 gene segments than at the TCR Va and VB loci.In and FasL synthesis umans there are only four V8,three J,three D and one e gene transcription. dependent evtolysis ()and TNF-mediated killing is inin Jyand Cysegments.The main diversity of TCRsisin the of pr mainly because duringchain rearran surface or release of Fas segme the can be use ah:same gene, V&TCR ed on the and ar Altered peptide ligands associated with CD3and mediate TCR signalling in much the same way as TCRs. hains are often,bu ctiona ulndcod ge alter the pattern of lymnhokines produced (partial () agonists)or antagonize T-cell responses to agonists this structure shows that the framework structure of V (antagonists).For CD8+T cells some partial resembles that of IgV H more closely than that of Va,V an elic cyto icity.which may e p ons and t T-cell function two basi TCRs seem to he structurally distinet fro been put forward:(1)the kinetic proofreading concept, Together with the observation that the CDR3 length ngagem results in TCR 6 chains signa ng and (2)th ormat nti onformational changes in the TCR that qualitati vely alte TCR signalling. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Na
dissociation of TCR–ligand complexes permits dynamic scanning of MHC–peptide complexes by TCRs on presenting cells. T-cell activation and effector functions The principal function of CD4 1 effector T cells is to produce cytokines and to express surface effector molecules that belong to the tumour necrosis family, such as TNFa, CD40 ligand or Fas ligand. Upon activation naive CD4 1 T cells proliferate and differentiate first into immature effector T cells (TH0) and then either into inflammatory or TH1 cells, or TH2 cells. TH1 cells mainly secrete IFNg, GM-CSF and TNFa, which are macrophage-activating cytokines, but also various amounts of IL-3, leucotriene and IL-2. TH2 cells mainly provide help to B cells and secrete the B-cell activation cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6, IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-10 and TGFb. CD4 1 T cells can also be cytotoxic by inducing apoptosis via Fas ligand expression. Activated CD8 1 CTLs kill target cells primarily by releasing perforin and granzymes, which in a synergistic manner induce target cell death. CTLs can also kill by expression of Fas ligand (FasL) on their surface, which binds to Fas on target cells and induces apoptosis. Activated CTLs also release cytokines, such as TNFa, interferon g (IFNg) and various interleukins. By binding to CD40 receptor on cells, TNFa can also induce apoptosis. Perforin-dependent killing is rapid (from a few minutes to a few hours) and can be elicited by a few MHC–peptide complexes on target cells. By contrast, cytokine production and FasL synthesis involve gene transcription, which requires sustained TCR signalling for extended periods of time. Fas-dependent cytolysis is slower than perforindependent cytolysis (6–18 h) and TNFa-mediated killing is slower still (after 16 h). In some cases Fas–FasL-dependent killing involves translocation of preformed, intracellular FasL to the cell surface or release of soluble FasL. Altered peptide ligands Modifications of antigenic peptides can affect functional T-cell responses in a diverse manner, for example they can alter the pattern of lymphokines produced (partial agonists) or antagonize T-cell responses to agonists (antagonists). For CD8 1 T cells some partial agonists can elicit selective Fas-dependent cytotoxicity, which may play a role in maintaining homeostasis of lymphocytes. To explain aberrant T-cell function two basic concepts have been put forward: (1) the kinetic proofreading concept, which suggests that a short TCR engagement results in incomplete TCR signalling; and (2) the conformational model, which suggests that epitope modifications induce conformational changes in the TCR that qualitatively alter TCR signalling. cd T-cell receptors gd TCRs are in many respects similar to ab TCRs and may by derived from a common progenitor. The d chain resembles the a chain, and the g chain resembles the b chain in composition and structure. gd T cells constitute only 1– 3% of CD3 1 T cells. However, in epithelial tissue, especially in the small intestine and the epidermis, most of the T cells belong to the gd lineage. The TCRs of these epithelial gd T cells exhibit limited diversity, and most respond to the same antigens. Although the precise function of these cells is enigmatic, it seems that their contribution to host defence against infection consists more of innate than of adaptive immunity. Thus gd T cells seem to recognize antigens common to a large number of unrelated pathogens, rather than distinct epitopes characteristic for individual organisms or species (Welsh et al., 1997). Structure of cd T-cell receptors gd TCRs are formed by rearrangement of V, (D), J and C gene elements, which precedes the one of ab TCR genes (Chien et al., 1996). Remarkably, the gene complex encoding the d chain is located between the ones of Va and Ja segments, so that rearrangements at the a and d loci are mutually exclusive. A rearranged d chain comprises the Vd, Dd, Jd and Cd regions, and a rearranged g chain the Vg, Jg and Cg segments. Importantly, there are many fewer Vg and Vd gene segments than at the TCR Va and Vb loci. In humans there are only four Vd, three Jd, three Dd and one Cd, and 12 Vg and two Cg, each with its own Jg segment. In the mouse the organization of the g genes is more complex and there are three clusters of g genes, each containing Vg, Jg and Cg segments. The main diversity of gdTCRs is in the junctional region, mainly because during d chain rearrangement both D segments can be used in the same gene, which greatly increases the junctional variability. gd TCRs are expressed on the cell surface and are associated with CD3 and mediate TCR signalling in much the same way as ab TCRs. The two chains are often, but not always, linked by a disulfide bridge between Cg and Cd. At present the three-dimensional structure of only one human Vd domain is known (Li et al., 1998). Interestingly, this structure shows that the framework structure of Vd resembles that of IgVH more closely than that of Va, Vb or VL, whereas the relative positions and conformations of its CDR1 and CDR2 share features of both Va and VH. Thus gd TCRs seem to be structurally distinct from ab TCRs. Together with the observation that the CDR3 length distribution of TCR d chains is similar to that of immunoglobulin heavy chains, this suggests that gd TCRs may bind antigen similarly to antibodies. Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes 4 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group /
Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes Antigen recognition by y T-cell receptors Natural Killer Cells Much of the antigen recognition byTcells,the natureof NK cells a nular lymphoc es which sent 5-14% any,are of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.They are effector proteins directly.without antigen proces sing and to (e.g.herpes),an (e.g.Lis recognize MHC molecules independently of bound pep etion (Trinchieri 1989)NK cells can utilize either antibody-dependent cell-mediated cells(Moritaetal.,1996).recognize cytotoxicity(ADCC)towards antibody-coa d target cells natura alterations of epithelial cells infected with any agent,such qually they eptor (KAR))and MHC class I-specific inhibitor elial cells infected Thes lized MHC (killer inhibitory receptor(KIR))receptors.Both receptors cass L-like molecules.which contain Bmicroglobulin ad re expressed differently on different subsets of NK cells heir hich prov ructures that can tory contr to cellular stress heat shock o Natural killer cell function the mouse one of these e molecules is H2-M3.which can N-terminal N-formylmethionine. NK uninfected inh this M IB-like the pre nce of IFNg.IFNB or IL-12. a monokine ated in the Qa-Tla region (e.g T18 duced early in many infections. IL-12 in synergism and can also be recognized byTcells.Anotherp tential with TNFa NK cells to produce arge s is the CDI molecule tha MHC sand pla n and early stage.For example,severe combined immunodefi- cient mice,which lack T and B cells,can resist infection with vay Biology of y T cells .cells uch as MatureTcells express many cell surface markers found These antibodies bind to FeRl on NK cells.which CD granzyme-dependent cyto vate ells ortant role in innat dependent on exogenous IL-2.During ontogeny of the lymphoid system,the Y6 T first mature I molecules,their function complements t CTLs as t they eliminate cells that ack MHO thymocytes.In the mouse.the v T cells are nfected with t have im found that aired MHC class expression. reas in hum they are also omm h hels that are Natural killer cell activating receptors ivated by m obacterial components strongly The main nk cell receptor involved in activating natural suggest a significant role in early protective immunity cytotoxicity is NKR-Pi.This receptor has the character- Sincey T cells utilize receptors encoded by st type C lectin and cognizes a wide mumty may b igands,espec However.depending on the state of activation and the activate (ea) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/2001 Nature Publishing Group/
Antigen recognition by cd T-cell receptors Much of the antigen recognition by gd T cells, the nature of the antigens and the presenting molecules, if any, are far from fully elucidated. gd TCRs appear to recognize proteins directly, without antigen processing, and to recognize MHC molecules independently of bound peptide. Moreover, small phosphate-containing nonpeptide compounds found in various microorganisms and parasites have also been identified as ligands for certain gd T cells (Morita et al., 1996). Conceivably gd T cells recognize alterations of epithelial cells infected with any agent, such as expression of stress or heat shock proteins. Equally they recognize MHC class IB molecules that are expressed when epithelial cells are infected. These are specialized MHC class I-like molecules, which contain b2-microglobulin and have a tissue-specific distribution. Their expression is under different regulatory control to MHC class I molecules, and in some cases they are induced in response to cellular stress (e.g. heat shock or certain infections). In the mouse, one of these molecules is H2-M3, which can present peptides with N-terminal N-formylmethionine, which is interesting because bacteria initiate protein synthesis with this residue. Other MHC class IB-like molecules are located in the Qa-Tla region (e.g T18) and can also be recognized by gd T cells. Another potential ligand for gd T cells is the CD1 molecule, the genes for which map outside the MHC region and which bind and present mycolic acid, a mycobacterial membrane component. Biology of cd T cells Mature gd T cells express many cell surface markers found on ab T cells. They differ in that they are almost exclusively CD4 2 and CD8 2 . When activated, gd T cells secrete the same cytokines as ab T cells, although most human clones secrete low levels of IL-2 and hence their growth is more dependent on exogenous IL-2. During ontogeny of the lymphoid system, the gd T cells are the first mature lymphocytes to appear during development of the embryo, at around day 14, thus before the development of ab thymocytes. In the mouse, the gd T cells are found predominantly in epithelium and less frequently in blood, whereas in humans they are also common in blood. The findings that gd T cells are preferentially located in epithelium, proliferate during infection and that some of them are activated by mycobacterial components strongly suggest a significant role in early protective immunity. Since gd T cells utilize receptors encoded by rearranging genes, this immunity may be seen as an interface between innate and adaptive immunity. Natural Killer Cells NK cells are granular lymphocytes which represent 5–14% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. They are effector lymphocytes, contributing to early host defence against viral (e.g. herpes), and bacterial (e.g. Listeria monocytogenes) infections and lymphoid tumours by means of cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion (Trinchieri, 1989). NK cells can utilize either antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) towards antibody-coated target cells or ‘natural’ cytotoxicity, which is regulated by a balance between ill-defined activating (i.e. killer cell activating receptor (KAR)) and MHC class I-specific inhibitory (killer inhibitory receptor (KIR)) receptors. Both receptors are expressed differently on different subsets of NK cells, which provides some variability in the structures that can be recognized by NK cells (Lanier, 1998). Natural killer cell function Although NK cells from uninfected organisms can kill sensitive targets, this activity is increased up to 100-fold in the presence of IFNa, IFNb or IL-12, a monokine produced early in many infections. IL-12 in synergism with TNFa also activates NK cells to produce large amounts of IFNg. This IFNg production precedes that by T cells and plays a crucial role in controlling infection at an early stage. For example, severe combined immunodefi- cient mice, which lack T and B cells, can resist infection with L. monocytogenes this way. ADCC by NK cells requires antibodies that bind cellassociated antigens such as viral or bacterial proteins. These antibodies bind to FcgRIII on NK cells, which recognize mainly IgG1 and IgG3. The resulting crosslinking of FcR elicits perforin–granzyme-dependent cytotoxicity, similar to CD8 1 CTLs. While NK cells play an important role in innate immunity, the fact that their KIRs recognize mainly MHC class I molecules, their function complements that of CD8 1 CTLs as they eliminate cells that lack MHC class I expression, such as certain tumour cells or cells infected with viruses that have impaired MHC class I expression. Natural killer cell activating receptors The main NK cell receptor involved in activating natural cytotoxicity is NKR-P1. This receptor has the characteristics of a type C lectin and recognizes a wide variety of carbohydrate ligands, especially sulfated proteoglycans, constituents of the extracellular matrix of many cell types. However, depending on the state of activation and the availability of the relevant ligand on target cells, other molecules, such as CD2, b-integrins, CD44 and B7, can also activate NK cell killing (Renard et al., 1997). Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 5