Telescope aboard the SOHO satellite.This wavelength corresponds to emission from singly charged helium ions and the bright spots are associated with active regions,or sunspots,which appear dark in the visible but can emit strongly in uv and x-ray wavelengths
Telescope aboard the SOHO satellite. This wavelength corresponds to emission from singly charged helium ions and the bright spots are associated with active regions, or sunspots, which appear dark in the visible but can emit strongly in uv and x-ray wavelengths
● The way that a lightning bolt moves to the ground is complex and unpredictable.A leader which propagates in a series of steps about 50 meters long forms the initial ionized channel.Once it reaches the ground,a high current discharge results in the bright flash visible in this photograph. Changes in the direction of the leader after each step can also be seen here.As the leader approaches the ground,positive streamers from prominent objects on the ground rise to meet it, but it's anyone's guess where contact will actually occur.In this case the tree was hit,but a careful look at the photo shows a positive streamer rising from the pole near the house on the left
The way that a lightning bolt moves to the ground is complex and unpredictable. A leader which propagates in a series of steps about 50 meters long forms the initial ionized channel. Once it reaches the ground, a high current discharge results in the bright flash visible in this photograph. Changes in the direction of the leader after each step can also be seen here. As the leader approaches the ground, positive streamers from prominent objects on the ground rise to meet it, but it's anyone's guess where contact will actually occur. In this case the tree was hit, but a careful look at the photo shows a positive streamer rising from the pole near the house on the left. •
● ASDEX.Tokamak The visible plasma emission is generated mainly near the bottom of the torus,plasma interior is fully ionized and far too hot to generate much light in the visible part of the spectrum.The visible plasma
ASDEX. Tokamak The visible plasma emission is generated mainly near the bottom of the torus, plasma interior is fully ionized and far too hot to generate much light in the visible part of the spectrum. The visible plasma •
受控核聚变应用背景及原理:自然界核聚变 的机=4mA 恒星(太阳)的核聚变反应: vr04然dd 4 1H->4He+2e+2v+26.7 MeV (1MeV=1.6x10-13J) 每秒钟有6亿吨的氢燃料在太阳上反应! 太阳上所发生的核聚变反应 核聚变反应在太阳上已持续150亿年,是恒星制造能量的主要机制
核聚变反应在太阳上已持续150亿年,是恒星制造能量的主要机制。 恒星(太阳)的核聚变反应: 4 1H 4He + 2 e + 2 + 26.7 MeV (1 MeV = 1.6 x10-13 J) 每秒钟有6亿吨的氢燃料在太阳上反应! 太阳上所发生的核聚变反应 受控核聚变应用背景及原理:自然界核聚变
受控核聚变应用背景及原理:实现条件 >磁约束个Magnetic Confinement Fusion)>惯性约束nertial Confinement Fusion) 用磁场来束缚,不与容器的四壁接触。高功率脉冲能束或激光均匀照射微球靶 约束装置叫做“托卡马克”。 丸。这种核聚变是依靠等离子体粒子自 4 身的惯性约束作用而实现的,因而称为 惯性约束聚变。 Solonoid Magnets Polodial Magnets Torodial Magnets Vacuum Vessel Plasma 典型的托卡马克约束装置(左图)和典型的的激光聚变(右图) 受控核聚变实现的两种主要手段:磁约束和惯性约束
受控核聚变应用背景及原理:实现条件 磁约束(Magnetic Confinement Fusion ) 用磁场来束缚,不与容器的四壁接触。 约束装置叫做“托卡马克”。 受控核聚变实现的两种主要手段:磁约束和惯性约束 典型的托卡马克约束装置(左图)和典型的的激光聚变(右图) 惯性约束(Inertial Confinement Fusion) 高功率脉冲能束或激光均匀照射微球靶 丸。这种核聚变是依靠等离子体粒子自 身的惯性约束作用而实现的,因而称为 惯性约束聚变