试卷代号:1027 中央广播电视大学2007一2008学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 高级英语写作试题 2008年7月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of three parts.These are: Part 1:Reading and Summary (35 points) Part 2:Writing a Letter (25 points) Part 3:Writing (40 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. 200
试卷代号:1027 中央广播电视大学2007-2008学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 高级英语写作 试题 2008年 7月 注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of three parts. These are: Part 1:Reading and Summary(35 points) Part 2:Writing a Letter(25 points) Part 3:Writing(40 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. 200
Part 1:Reading and Summary (35 points) Questions 1-5 are based on the following task.(10 points) Filling in the blanks: The following paragraph is taken from an article about famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton,but the discourse markers are taken out.Read it carefully and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the list below.There is ONE discourse marker that you will not need. another however for example which even if also Over the years when he was working on his Laws of Motion and his theory of gravity, Newton (1)made important contributions to other aspects of science.A major outcome of his study of like,(2),was the discovery that white light could be broken up (by passing it through a prism)into the colors of the rainbow.(3)achievement which has been of enormous value to later generations of scientists was the design of a new type of telescope,which used a curved mirror instead of a lens to gather in the light. By the age of fifty,(4),his main scientific work was finished and he had become a Member of Parliament,representing Cambridge University ((5),like Oxford University,was allowed at that time to elect its own MPs).Not long after the publication of "The Principia",he had had a nervous breakdown.In 1727,Newton died at the age of eighty-five and was buried in Westminster Abbey in London. Questions 6-9 are based on the following task.(10 points) Identifying the topic sentences: Read the following description of culture and customs of western countries.The topic sentence for each paragraph is omitted.Choose the correct topic sentence for each paragraph from the list of A-E provided.Put your answer in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. 6 It dates back to the Victorian times.Something old refers to wearing something that represents a link with the bride's family and her old life.Usually,the bride wears a 201
Part 1:Reading and Summary (35 points) Questions 1-5 are based on the following task. (10 points) Filling in the blanks; The following paragraph is taken from an article about famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, but the discourse markers are taken out. Read it carefully and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the list below. There is ONE discourse marker that you will not need. another however for example which even if also Over the years when he was working on his Laws of Motion and his theory of gravity, Newton (1) made important contributions to other aspects of science. A major outcome of his study of like, (2) ,was the discovery that white light could be broken up(by passing it through a prism) into the colors of the rainbow. (3) achievement which has been of enormous value to later generations of scientists was the design of a new type of telescope, which used a curved mirror instead of a lens to gather in the light. By the age of fifty, (4) ,his main scientific work was finished and he had become a Member of Parliament, representing Cambridge University ( (5) ,like Oxford University,was allowed at that time to elect its own MPs). Not long after the publication of "The Principia",he had had a nervous breakdown. In 1727,Newton died at the age of eighty-five and was buried in Westminster Abbey in London. Questions 6-9 are based on the following task.(10 points) Identifying the topic sentences; Read the following description of culture and customs of western countries. The topic sentence for each paragraph is omitted. Choose the correct topic sentence for each paragraph from the list of A-E provided. Put your answer in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. 6 It dates back to the Victorian times. Something old refers to wearing something that represents a link with the bride’s family and her old life. Usually, the bride wears a 201
piece of family jewellery.Wearing something new represents good fortune and success in the bride's new life.Wearing something borrowed is meant to bring good luck to the marriage. It could be an item of bridal clothing.Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times when the color blue was considered to represent purity and fidelity. 7 One explanation for it is that during the times of arranged marriages,the bride's face was covered until the groom was committed to her at the ceremony-so it would be too late for him to run off if he didn't like the look of her!It is also thought that the veil was worn to protect the bride from evil spirits that would be floating around on her wedding. This is why the veil covers the bride's face throughout the ceremony until the minister pronounces the couple man and wife. 8 Though no precise evidence explains the origin of this tradition,one belief is strongly held to it.It is traced back to the 17th century.During a wedding then,the priest arrived at the fourth finger after touching the three fingers on the left hand "..in the name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Ghost". 9 It was believed that strong smelling herbs and spices would drive away evil spirits,bad luck and ill health.During Victorian times,flowers took on an additional significance as lovers would send messages to each other using different flowers,with each flower having its own meaning. A.The tradition of carrying flowers by the bride has its roots in ancient times. B.The custom of the wedding veil is thought to predate the wedding dress by centuries. C.Traditionally a bride's wedding ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand. D.There are many wedding traditions in the West. E.“Something old,new,borrowed and blue”is a popular bridal attire(服装)rhyme.. Question 6 7 8 Paragraph 1 2 3 Correct Answer 202
piece of family jewellery. Wearing something new represents good fortune and success in the bride's new life. Wearing something borrowed is meant to bring good luck to the marriage. It could be an item of bridal clothing. Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times when the color blue was considered to represent purity and fidelity. 一二一One explanation for it is that during the times of arranged marriages, the bride's face was covered until the groom was committed to her at the ceremony-so it would be too late for him to run off if he didn’t like the look of her! It is also thought that the veil was worn to protect the bride from evil spirits that would be floating around on This is why the veil covers the bride’s face throughout the ceremony until her wedding. the minister pronounces the couple man and wife. 8 Though no precise evidence explains the origin of this tradition, one belief is strongly held to it. It is traced back to tae 17 `'' century. During a wedding then, the priest arrived at the fourth finger after touching the three fingers on the left hand“… in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost". 止址 It was believed that strong smelling herbs and spices would drive away evil spirits,bad luck and ill health. During Victorian times, flowers took on an additional significance as lovers would send messages to each other using different flowers,with each flower having its own meaning. A. The tradition of carrying flowers by the bride has its roots in ancient times. B. The custom of the wedding veil is thought to predate the wedding dress by centuries. C. Traditionally a bride’s wedding ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand. D. There are many wedding traditions in the West. E.“Something old, new, borrowed and blue" is a popular bridal attire(服装)rhyme. Question 6 7 8 9 Paragraph 1 2 3 4 Correct Answer 202
Question 10:Writing a summary (15 points) Summarize the above passage (i.e.,the passage in Questions 6-9)in your own words.Your summary should be 70 to 80 words.Write your summary on the Answer Sheet. Part 2:Writing a Letter (25 points) Question 11:Writing a letter of Apology You are Mr.Carl,who just bought two new tires from Roll-Rite Company.Not having enough funds in your bank's account,you received a notice from the bank.You ere riting a letter to Roll-Rite Company so as to make an apology for it.Base your letter on the following: 1)You bought two new tires from Roll-Rite Company on May 16. 2)You paid $160.75 by check. 3)After you had deposited ample funds,the bank assured you that the check will be honored if the company re-submit it. Note: 1)Write a correctly laid-out letter,which might include the letterhead,date,name and address of the recipient,salutation,body of the letter,complementary close,signature,and sender's printed name.3 points will be deducted for failing to follow the letter format properly. 2)You should write about 120 words. 3)Write the letter on your Answer Sheet. Part 3:Writing an Argument (40 points) Question 12:Write an argumentative essay on the following topic:We Should Complain About Bad Service.You should write four paragraphs: 1)an introduction to the topic 2)arguments FOR 3)arguments AGAINST 203
Question 10:Writing a summary (15 points) Summarize the above passage ( i. e.,the passage in Questions 6-9) in your own words. Your summary should be 70 to 80 words. Write your summary on the Answer Sheet. Part 2:Writing a Letter (25 points) Question 11:Writing a letter of Apology You are Mr. Carl, who just bought two new tires from Roll-Rite Company. Not having enough funds in your bank's account, you received a notice from the bank. You ere }viting a letter to Roll-Rite Company so as to make an apology for it. Base your letter on the following: 1) You bought two new tires from Roll-Rite Company on May 16. 2) You paid$160. 75 by check. 3) After you had deposited ample funds, the bank assured you that tie check will be honored if the company re-submit it. Note: 1) Write a correctly laid-out letter, which might include the letterhead, date, name and address of the recipient,salutation, body of the letter, complementary close, signature, and sender's printed name. 3 points will be deducted for failing to follow the letter format properly. 2) You should write about 120 words. 3) Write the letter on your Answer Sheet. Part 3:Writing an Argument (40 points) Question 12:Write an argumentative essay on the following topic: We Should Complain About Bad Service. You should write four paragraphs: Dan introduction to the topic 2) arguments FOR 3)arguments AGAINST 203
4)conclusion (your own opinion) Here are some points that you can use in your essay,but you are free to use your own ideas.You should write 150-200 words.Write the answer on your Answer Sheet. For Against ● Raise the awareness of the service ● Time-consuming to complain. providers. ● Walk away and avoid the trouble. ● Help the enterprise improve the ● One person's complaint won't make much quality of the service. difference. ● Help change a company's bad reputation. ●】 Improve the image of the society. 204
4) conclusion (your own opinion) Here are some points that you can use in your essay, but you are free to use your own ideas. You should write 150一200 words. Write the answer on your Answer Sheet. For Against . Raise the awareness of the service providers. . Help the enterprise improve the quality of the service. . Help change a company's bad reputation. . Improve the image of the society. . Time-consuming to complain. . Walk away and avoid the trouble. . One person’s complaint won't make much difference. 204