Lecture 20 Hypersensitivity Reactions Immune responses that result in tissue injury
Lecture 20 Hypersensitivity Reactions ◼ Immune responses that result in tissue injury
Immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions Type I-Anaphylactic/Atopic Type IⅡ-Cytotoxic ·Type IlⅢ-Toxic Complex Type IV-T-cell mediated
Immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions ◼ Type I - Anaphylactic/Atopic ◼ Type II - Cytotoxic ◼ Type III - Toxic Complex ◼ Type IV - T-cell mediated
Immune-Mediated Hypersensitivities TypeI TypeI Type Type I immune reactant gE antbody,T2 clls lgG antibody lgG antbody Toells Antigen Soluble antigen Cel or mattx- assodated antigen Souble antigen Soluble antigen Cell-assocated antoen Effector Mast-oel 08o Macrophage mechanism actvation actvation 6 Example of Allergic hnits. 阳8o Senm sickness. n ncon Contad demattis hypersensitivity asthma,systemic Arthus reaction reacton anaphyaxis 1997 Current Biology Ltd./Garland Publishing.In
Immune-Mediated Hypersensitivities
Anaphylactic/Atopic Hypersensitivity (Type I
Anaphylactic/Atopic Hypersensitivity (Type I )
Atopy Describes the clinical features of individuals who develop Type I hypersensitivity increased vascular permeability ·local edema 。itching Strong hereditary linkages Mediated by a serum factor termed "reagin" "Wheal and flare"reaction
Atopy ◼ Describes the clinical features of individuals who develop Type I hypersensitivity ◼ increased vascular permeability ◼ local edema ◼ itching ◼ Strong hereditary linkages ◼ Mediated by a serum factor termed "reagin" ◼ "Wheal and flare" reaction