上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 第四章 梦想与创造力 福 1日回后
第四章 梦想与创造力
上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 课本内容小结 ■工程需要创造力; ■观察并掌握人类的生活、工作及娱乐需求,是发明与创造工作最有 效的切入点; ■任何人都具有不同程度的创造力,都可能成为发明家: ■现代高科技产品往往需要依赖群体的技术创新推动: ■工科学习有助于创造力的培养和提高: ■成功的创造性工程师永不会放弃。 1月白后
课本内容小结 工程需要创造力; 观察并掌握人类的生活、工作及娱乐需求,是发明与创造工作最有 效的切入点; 任何人都具有不同程度的创造力,都可能成为发明家; 现代高科技产品往往需要依赖群体的技术创新推动; 工科学习有助于创造力的培养和提高; 成功的创造性工程师永不会放弃
上游充通大粤 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY References o Boden,M.A.(2004)The creative mind,myths and mechanisms,2nd ed.London and New York:Routledge. c Childs,P.(2018)Mechanical design engineering handbook.2nd ed.Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. Childs,P.and Garvey,B.(2015).Using Morphological Analysis to Tackle Uncertainty at the Design Phase for a Safety Critical Application.Propulsion and Power Research,4(1),pp.1-8. Childs,P.and Garvey,B.(2013).Applying Problem Structuring Methods to the Design Process for Safety Helmets.In:Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Helmet Performance and Design.London:DEG Imperial,pp.13-1-13-10. IPCC,2014:Climate Change 2014:Synthesis Report.Contribution of Working Groups I,Il and Ill to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team,R.K.Pachauri and L.A Meyer(eds.)].IPCC,Geneva,Switzerland,151 pp. o Jones,M.(1995).The thinker's toolkit.New York:Three Rivers Press. o MacKay,D.(2008).Sustainable Energy-without the hot air.UIT Cambridge Ltd. Michalko,M.(2011).Cracking creativity.New York:Random House US. o Nordhaus,W.(2008).A question of balance.New Haven:Yale University Press. Osborn,A.F.Applied imagination:Principles and procedures of creative problem solving.3rd ed.Scribner's,1963. c Treffinger,D.J.,Isaksen,S.G.,and Stead-Dorval,K.B.Creative problem solving:An introduction.4th ed.Prufrock Press,2006. Brain Pickings.(2018).The Art of Thought:A Pioneering 1926 Model of the Four Stages of Creativity
References Boden, M.A. (2004) The creative mind, myths and mechanisms, 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge. Childs, P. (2018) Mechanical design engineering handbook. 2nd ed. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. Childs, P. and Garvey, B. (2015). Using Morphological Analysis to Tackle Uncertainty at the Design Phase for a Safety Critical Application. Propulsion and Power Research, 4(1), pp.1-8. Childs, P. and Garvey, B. (2013). Applying Problem Structuring Methods to the Design Process for Safety Helmets. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Helmet Performance and Design. London:DEG Imperial, pp. 13-1-13-10. IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp. Jones, M. (1995). The thinker's toolkit. New York: Three Rivers Press. MacKay, D. (2008). Sustainable Energy-without the hot air. UIT Cambridge Ltd. Michalko, M. (2011). Cracking creativity. New York: Random House US. Nordhaus, W. (2008). A question of balance. New Haven: Yale University Press. Osborn, A.F. Applied imagination: Principles and procedures of creative problem solving. 3rd ed. Scribner’s, 1963. Treffinger, D.J., Isaksen, S.G., and Stead-Dorval, K.B. Creative problem solving: An introduction. 4th ed. Prufrock Press, 2006. Brain Pickings. (2018).The Art of Thought: A Pioneering 1926 Model of the Four Stages of Creativity
上游充通大¥ e SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 创造力的构成 作为基础因素的知识,包括吸收知识的能力、记忆知识 的能力和理解知识的能力。 以创造性思维能力为核心的智能。智能是智力和多种能 力的综合,既包括敏锐、独特的观察力,高度集中的注 意力,高效持久的记忆力和灵活自如的操作力,也包括 创造性思维能力,还包括掌握和运用创造原理、技巧和 方法的能力等。 创造个性品质,包括意志、情操等方面的内容。永不满 足的进取心、强烈的求知欲、坚韧顽强的意志、积极主 动的独立思考精神等
创造力的构成 作为基础因素的知识,包括吸收知识的能力、记忆知识 的能力和理解知识的能力。 以创造性思维能力为核心的智能。智能是智力和多种能 力的综合,既包括敏锐、独特的观察力,高度集中的注 意力,高效持久的记忆力和灵活自如的操作力,也包括 创造性思维能力,还包括掌握和运用创造原理、技巧和 方法的能力等。 创造个性品质,包括意志、情操等方面的内容。永不满 足的进取心、强烈的求知欲、坚韧顽强的意志、积极主 动的独立思考精神等
上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Predictability and routine Where the stifle creativity;novelty and magic happens unpredictability encourage it. your Comfort Zone 聚合思维和发散思维相结合。 建立一个关于两种无关联产品的特征矩阵,并创造出新 的依赖关系: 每十分钟更换一次气味的空气清香剂(将时间与香味的概念融合 运动量不够费用便会依结构而增长的体育馆(健身与激励的结合)
Predictability and routine stifle creativity; novelty and unpredictability encourage it. 聚合思维和发散思维相结合。 建立一个关于两种无关联产品的特征矩阵,并创造出新 的依赖关系: • 每十分钟更换一次气味的空气清香剂(将时间与香味的概念融合) • 运动量不够费用便会依结构而增长的体育馆(健身与激励的结合)