呼吸作用 Respiration Respiration is the process of taking complex carbon compounds, breaking them down into simpler molecules, and simultaneously generating the ATP used to power other metabolic process amyloplast glucose cytosol (6-C) ery living starch Glucose glycolysis 2 3-C acid_ anaerobic 2 ethanol+2 Co2 fermentation +some ATP (pyruvic) 3-c acid (citric) Krebs 5-C acid 10 NADH 4-c acid Cycle 0 2 FADH 4-C acid photosynthesis electron transport chain mitochondrion cyto chrome system chloroplast Net Equation for Respiration H20 c6H1206+602-6C02+6H20+ energy 36 ATP
呼吸作用 Respiration z Respiration is the process of ta Respiration is the process of taking complex carbon compounds, b king complex carbon compounds, breaking reaking them down into simpler molecu them down into simpler molecules, and simultaneously generating les, and simultaneously generating the ATP used to power other metabolic process. ATP used to power other metabolic process
Fuel rich in Waste products chemical poor in chemical energy Heat energy energy Gasoline Carbon dioxide Combustion Kinetic energy of movement Vate (a) Energy conversion in a car Heat energy Cellular respiration Carbon dioxide Food ATP Water Energy for cellular work b) Energy conversion in a cell Copyright o 2001 by Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley
Adenosine ePP→ AdenosineHP-P)+ (transferred to other molecules) ATP ADP Copyright o 2001 by Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley
Activity Food calories consumed per hour by a 150-pound person Food Food calories Running (7 min/mi) Bean burrito Dancing(fast) Cheeseburger Swimming(2 mph) Spaghetti with sauce (1 cup) 260 Bicycling (racing 514 Pizza with pepperoni (1 slice Dancing (slow) 202 Peanuts (1 ounce Bicycling(sowy□170 Baked potato(plain)□145 Walking(3 mph)158 Aple□125 Playing the piano73 Fried chicken(drumstick)120 Drivin ng a car口61 Garden salad (2 cups)[56 Sitting (writing) 28 Broccoli(1cup)冒44 Popcorn (plain, 1 cup)1 31 *Not including energy necessary for basic functions, such as breathing and heartbeat (a) Food calories (kilocalories) in various foods (b) Food calories(kilocalories) we burn in various activities Copyright o 2001 by Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley
Types of respiration呼吸作用的类型 Cell respiration is in fact a process of oXidation-reduction reaction, and it could be classified into two types based on the terminal electron acceptor in the reaction Aerobic respiration有氧呼吸—— The terminal electron acceptor is oxygen in the respiration Anaerobic respiration无氧呼吸—— Under the condition without oxygen, the terminal electron acceptor is other alternatives o The terminal electron acceptor is the intermediates of the metabolic pathway Fermentation(发酵) o The terminal electron acceptor is one kind of outside acceptor(but not oxygen), e.g. NO3", NO2, SO42, CO2 and so on
Types of Respiration 呼吸作用的类型 Cell respiration is in fact a process of oxidation Cell respiration is in fact a process of oxidation -reduction reduction reaction, and it could be classified into two types based on reaction, and it could be classified into two types based on the terminal electron acceptor in the reaction: the terminal electron acceptor in the reaction: z Aerobic respiration Aerobic respiration 有氧呼吸—— The terminal electron The terminal electron acceptor is acceptor is oxygen in the respiration. in the respiration. z Anaerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration 无氧呼吸—— Under the condition Under the condition without oxygen, the terminal electron acceptor is other , the terminal electron acceptor is other alternatives. alternatives. z The terminal electron acceptor is the The terminal electron acceptor is the intermediates of the metabolic pathway the metabolic pathway——Fermentation ( Fermentation (发酵 ) z The terminal electron acceptor is one kind of The terminal electron acceptor is one kind of outside acceptor (but not oxygen), e.g. NO , e.g. NO 3-, NO 2-, SO 4 2-, CO 2 and so on. and so on